2024年9月25日 星期三



Each sister devotes more than four hours a day to prayer. The center of the Congregation’s life is daily Holy Mass, which is for the sisters both their source of sanctification and their apostolic work. In addition to the Eucharist, the Liturgy of the Hours, meditation on the word of God and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, a special place is given to the devotion to The Divine Mercy, in the forms given by Saint Sister Faustina, and devotion to Mary, Mother of Mercy. The sisters embrace with prayer and penance the needs of the world, the Church, Poland, the Congregation and the people entrusted to them by Providence.

“through love you will reconcile earth with heaven, you will soften the just anger of God, and you will plead for mercy for the world. I place in your care two pearls very precious to My Heart: these are the souls of priests and religious. You will pray particularly for them; their power will come from your diminishment. You will join prayers, fasts, mortifications, labors and all sufferings to My prayer, fasting, mortification, labors and sufferings and then they will have power before My Father” (Diary, 531).

We implore God's Mercy for the world by:

Prayer and sacrifice using the new forms of devotion to Divine Mercy:

Feast of Mercy

The Image of the Divine Mercy

The Chaplet of the Divine Mercy

The Hour of Mercy – 3:00 p.m.

The Spreading of the Divine Mercy devotion

Daily Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament

Monthly Masses in Honor of the Divine Mercy

#聖傅天娜修女 #神聖慈悲 #慈悲救主 #救主慈悲敬禮 #仁慈之母女修會 #divinemercy #saintfaustina #thesistersofourladyofmercy #prayer #rosary #eucharist #holybible #fasting

2024年9月22日 星期日



We proclaim God's mercy to the world by:

Giving talks at conferences, on TV and the radio using the Mass Media;

Speaking in parishes, prisons and to various prayer groups;

Organizing retreats and Days of Recollection;

Welcoming pilgrimages at the Shrine in Cracow and in the Center of Divine Mercy Spirituality in Rome;

Organizing symposia on Divine Mercy;

Providing spiritual formation for the members of the "Faustinum" Association of Apostles of the Divine Mercy;

Distributing Divine Mercy publications, prayer books, pamphlets, images, holy cards, etc.;

Please check the Events page to see our upcoming activities such as talks, retreats and other celebrations.

Watch online: Talk given by Sr. Gaudia on Saint Faustina and the Divine Mercy Image.

#聖傅天娜修女 #神聖慈悲 #慈悲救主 #仁慈之母女修會 #divinemercy #saintfaustina #thesistersofourladyofmercy



We extend God's Mercy

In Poland the sisters run several educational centers that are dedicated to the care of girls and women in need of moral conversion. Our sisters assist the women by taking care of their spiritual and educational needs. These institutes provide trade school training so that the young women can acquire adequate professional skills. Other houses in Poland shelter pregnant women, unwed mothers and orphans. The sisters run also institutions such as therapeutic and community centers; kindergartens; residential care homes for children and adults. This form of apostolate has not yet been established in our convents in USA. Further the sisters preach the message of The Divine Mercy in retreat houses, shrines, parishes and prisons; they form the Apostles of The Divine Mercy in the international “Faustinum” Association; they teach religious education in schools; they run the “Misericordia” Publishing House; they edit the “Orędzie Miłosierdzia” (Message of Mercy) quarterly; and they work in conjunction with the media.

The focus of our apostolate in the USA is on the proclamation of the Divine Mercy message and prayer to implore God's mercy for the world.

All the sisters participate in the Congregation’s apostolic mission through their prayer, work, and suffering regardless of the type of work carried out. They are all responsible for the development and fruitfulness of the works undertaken, since apostolic work, “as their own holy ministry and work of charity” (PC 8) belongs to the very essence of religious life.” [Constitutions, Art. 5]

The exact way in which the message of The Divine Mercy is proclaimed in each individual convent, by deed, word and prayer, depends on local conditions and the needs of the given people in that particular environment. Some of the ways in which the sisters minister in the USA are these: they minister in prisons; nursing homes, they go to parishes, to symposiums, conventions, schools, and attend meetings with various communities. They spread the Divine Mercy message also through Online Store.

#聖傅天娜修女 #神聖慈悲 #慈悲救主 #仁慈之母女修會 #divinemercy #saintfaustina #thesistersofourladyofmercy



Our Daily Prayers Include:

Holy Mass

The Liturgy of the Hours: morning, daytime, evening, and night prayers

Morning meditation

Eucharistic Adoration (on certain days: Way of the Cross)

Spiritual Reading

An examination of conscience at noon and in the evening

Visits to the Blessed Sacrament

The Chaplet of Divine Mercy

The Rosary

Just like Saint Faustina, we implore Divine Mercy for the entire world through a life of prayer and sacrifice. We pray the Liturgy of the Hours together as a community. At the Hour of Mercy - 3 p.m. - we entreat the Lord to pour His mercy out upon the entire world and to grant the grace of conversion especially to hardened sinners. We meditate on His Passion, joining Our Mother of Mercy spiritually at the foot of the Cross, and then pray the Chaplet to the Divine Mercy before the Most Blessed Sacrament.

The public is welcome to join us for our Masses and the 3:00 pm Hour of Mercy at the Saint John Paul II National Shrine. In addition to these devotions, we invite the Divine Mercy devotees to join us for Divine Mercy retreats and parish missions. Please check here for upcoming events.

…It is not enough to perform the obligatory exercises of piety, but “one should pray always and not cease” [cf. Lk 18:1].

#聖傅天娜修女 #慈悲救主 #神聖慈悲 #仁慈聖母女修會 #divinemercy #saintfaustina #prayer #rosary #eucharist #holybible #thesistersofourladyofmercy



Our Goal

Our goal is to save lost souls, to rescue sinners from eternal loss.

Our Lord sends us to people who are in danger of losing their salvation: to sinners, whom He wants to rescue through our assistance, through our cooperation with His redemptive mercy.

Our goal - according to the Constitutions - is not to prevent demoralization, nor to care for the sick in body, but to rescue spiritually lost souls.

Our Charism

Charism is a gift of the Holy Spirit given to a congregation and to its individual members

for the good of the Church and others' salvation.

Our charism is:

To cooperate with the Mercy of God (Divine Mercy) in the work of rescuing lost souls.

The source of vocation of each sister in our congregation is the truth of the infinite mercy of God, the incomprehensible love of God for man, "who so loved the world that he gave his only Son" (Jn 3:16) and the universal Salvific Will flowing from that love: the will to save all people, especially sinners in greatest danger of losing their salvation. By the light of the Holy Spirit the Foundresses interpreted in this love an ardent appeal to cooperate with redemptive Mercy, and they handed it on to the congregation as a specific charism (cf. Constitutions, Art. 2).

Here we see the unique character of our charism, our role in the plans of Divine Mercy. The congregation was founded in order to participate directly in the mission of Christ, who came to save what was lost. Moreover, through the mission that Jesus entrusted to Sister Faustina, the charism's scope was expanded - going beyond the confines of our "Mercy Houses" for girls and women - to reach all sinners in the world by imploring Divine Mercy for them and by proclaiming the infinite and unconditional mercy that God has for every single person.

"I desire to struggle, toil and empty myself for our work of saving immortal souls. It does not matter if these efforts should shorten my life; it is no longer mine, but belongs to the Community. I want to be useful to the Church by being faithful to my Community" (Diary 194).

#divinemercy #saintfaustina #thesistersofourladyofmercy #聖傅天娜修女 #神聖慈悲 #慈悲救主 #仁慈之母女修會