The Tenth Commandment / 第十誡
(Poverty In Heart 心靈的貧窮,I Want To See God 我願看見天主)
(Poverty In Heart 心靈的貧窮,I Want To See God 我願看見天主)
- You shall not covet . . . anything that is your neighbor's. . . . You shall not desire your neighbor's house, his field, or his manservant, or his maidservant, or his ox, or his ass, or anything that is your neighbor's.317For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.318
第十條 第十誡
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2544 Jesus enjoins his disciples to prefer him to everything and everyone, and bids them "renounce all that [they have]" for his sake and that of the Gospel.335Shortly before his passion he gave them the example of the poor widow of Jerusalem who, out of her poverty, gave all that she had to live on.336 The precept of detachment from riches is obligatory for entrance into the Kingdom of heaven.
2545 All Christ's faithful are to "direct their affections rightly, lest they be hindered in their pursuit of perfect charity by the use of worldly things and by an adherence to riches which is contrary to the spirit of evangelical poverty."337
2546 "Blessed are the poor in spirit."338 The Beatitudes reveal an order of happiness and grace, of beauty and peace. Jesus celebrates the joy of the poor, to whom the Kingdom already belongs:339
- The Word speaks of voluntary humility as "poverty in spirit"; the Apostle gives an example of God's poverty when he says: "For your sakes he became poor."340
2547 The Lord grieves over the rich, because they find their consolation in the abundance of goods.341 "Let the proud seek and love earthly kingdoms, but blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the Kingdom of heaven."342 Abandonment to the providence of the Father in heaven frees us from anxiety about tomorrow.343Trust in God is a preparation for the blessedness of the poor. They shall see God.
- 耶穌吩咐祂的門徒,要愛祂勝過任何事物及任何人,並要他們為了祂和福音的緣故,「捨棄他們的一切所有」(路14:33)。在祂受難前不久,祂舉耶路撒冷的窮寡婦給他們作榜樣,這寡婦從她的窮困中,把她所有的一切生活費都獻出了。擺脫財富的命令,為進天國是必須遵守的。
- 基督的所有信徒,「每人都要正確地誘導自己的情感,以免違反福音的貧窮精神,去享用世物及依戀財富,而阻止其追求完全的愛德」。
- 「神貧的人是有福的」(瑪5:3)。真福八端啟示出幸福與恩寵、美麗與和平的境界。耶穌稱揚窮人的喜悅,因為天國已經是他們的了:聖言稱人精神上的謙抑自下和淡泊為「神貧」;聖保祿也舉出天主的貧窮為例,他說:「祂為了你們成了貧窮的」 (格後8:9)
- 上主為富貴人悲傷,因為他們把安慰置於大量的財富上(路6:24)。「驕傲人追求地上的權勢,而神貧的人卻尋求天國」。 投靠天父的眷顧足以解除明日的焦慮。信賴天主是準備人得到窮人的真福。他們要看見天主。
2548 Desire for true happiness frees man from his immoderate attachment to the goods of this world so that he can find his fulfillment in the vision and beatitude of God. "The promise [of seeing God] surpasses all beatitude. . . . In Scripture, to see is to possess. . . . Whoever sees God has obtained all the goods of which he can conceive."344
2549 It remains for the holy people to struggle, with grace from on high, to obtain the good things God promises. In order to possess and contemplate God, Christ's faithful mortify their cravings and, with the grace of God, prevail over the seductions of pleasure and power.
2550 On this way of perfection, the Spirit and the Bride call whoever hears them345to perfect communion with God:
- There will true glory be, where no one will be praised by mistake or flattery; true honor will not be refused to the worthy, nor granted to the unworthy; likewise, no one unworthy will pretend to be worthy, where only those who are worthy will be admitted. There true peace will reign, where no one will experience opposition either from self or others. God himself will be virtue's reward; he gives virtue and has promised to give himself as the best and greatest reward that could exist. . . . "I shall be their God and they will be my people. . . . " This is also the meaning of the Apostle's words: "So that God may be all in all." God himself will be the goal of our desires; we shall contemplate him without end, love him without surfeit, praise him without weariness. This gift, this state, this act, like eternal life itself, will assuredly be common to all.346
- 對真正幸福的渴望,使人解脫對現世財物的過分依戀,而在享見天主及在天主的真福中得到滿足。「享見天主的許諾,超過一切真福。在聖經裡,看見就是擁有。看見天主的人,就是已經得到一切可能想像的財富」。
- 天主的聖民還要靠從天上來的恩寵奮鬥,以獲得天主所許的財富。為了擁有天主、瞻仰天主,基督信徒消除自己的貪慾,並靠天主的恩寵,戰勝安逸和權勢的誘惑。
- 在成全的路上,聖神與新娘都在召喚,凡聽見的, 都要與天主有圓滿的共融:那裡將有真正的光榮;那裡沒有人因錯誤或諂媚而受到稱揚;真正的尊榮不會拒絕給應得的人,也不會賜與無資格的人;另一方面,無資格者不會強求,因為只有有資格者才能進入。在那裡真正的和平將要統治一切,再不會感到從自己或從別人而來的反抗。論及德行,天主自己就是酬報,天主賜給了德行,也把祂自己許諾給德行。天主是最好、最大的酬報:「我將作他們的天主,他們作我的子民」…… (肋26:12) 。這也是聖保祿宗徒說這話的意思:「好叫天主成為萬物中的萬有」(格前15:28) 。天主自己將是我們渴望的最終對象,我們將無止境地瞻仰祂、無止境地愛慕祂、無厭倦地讚美祂。這種恩寵、這種情懷、這種職務,確實是眾人共有,一如永生一樣。
2552 The tenth commandment forbids avarice arising from a passion for riches and their attendant power.
2553 Envy is sadness at the sight of another's goods and the immoderate desire to have them for oneself. It is a capital sin.
2554 The baptized person combats envy through good-will, humility, and abandonment to the providence of God.
2555 Christ's faithful "have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires" (Gal5:24); they are led by the Spirit and follow his desires.
2556 Detachment from riches is necessary for entering the Kingdom of heaven. "Blessed are the poor in spirit."
2557 "I want to see God" expresses the true desire of man. Thirst for God is quenched by the water of eternal life (cf. Jn 4:14).
- 「你的財寶在那裡,你的心也必在那裡」(瑪6:21)。
- 第十誡禁止對財富及其權勢的過度貪婪,這貪婪源自對錢財無節制的情慾。
- 嫉妒是眼見他人的財物而感到不快,也是想將之據為己有的過分慾望。這是七罪宗之一。
- 受過洗的人,以良善、謙遜,及依靠天主的照顧,而與嫉妒戰鬥。
- 基督徒「已把肉身同邪情和貪慾,釘在十字架上了」(迦5:24);他們是由聖神引導,隨從祂的意願。
- 擺脫財富為進天國是必要的。「神貧的人是有福的」。
- 人類真正的渴望:「我願看見天主」。對天主的渴望,只有永生的水才能解除。