2014年6月27日 星期五
[天主教法典 CODE OF CANON LAW] 受絕罰者 An excommunicated person
受絕罰者 An excommunicated person
參考 Reference:
[Radiovaticana] 教宗方济各访问卡萨诺‧阿洛约尼奥教区:黑手党是受绝罚的人!/ 教宗方济各:酷刑是死罪!
…… 教宗在弥撒讲道中指出,崇拜邪恶,蔑视公益:这就是犯罪组织的活动!…… 那些走上这条邪恶道路的人,同黑手党人一样,不与天主共融:他们是受绝罚的人!” ……
…… 他说:“一旦把朝拜上主换成崇拜金钱,就为罪恶、个人利益和欺压行为敞开道路;若不朝拜天主,上主,就会成为邪恶的崇拜者,就如生活在可耻和暴力环境中的人那样。……
天主教法典 (繁體中文) CODE OF CANON LAW -
694-696, 703 修會開除 DISMISSAL OF MEMBERS ;
天主教法典 (繁體中文) CODE OF CANON LAW
An excommunicated person
第六卷 教會刑法
教會刑法 (懲戒罰)
Can. 1331 §1. An excommunicated person is forbidden:
[Radiovaticana] 教宗方济各访问卡萨诺‧阿洛约尼奥教区:黑手党是受绝罚的人!/ 教宗方济各:酷刑是死罪!
教宗与圣座 > 2014-06-23 17:36:44
教宗与圣座 > 2014-06-23 19:06:44
2014年6月24日 星期二
閃電雷雨是 Now TV? 不是真的天上的指引?That Lightning Thunderstorm Was Now TV? Not Real Guidance From Heaven?
閃電雷雨是 Now TV?不是真的天上的指引?That Lightning Thunderstorm Was Now TV? Not Real Guidance From Heaven?
I Have Vocation Before? Related To Revelation? 我之前有聖召? 與若望默示錄有關?
修改 Revised on 5 Jun 2014 (Date: 13 Apr 2014) Press Release 新聞稿 / Letter For Help 求助信
按公義補償予我 Base On Justice Compensate To Me: 在我家附近,偷窺公開我在家的私隱的人 Those people near my home, voyeur & make public the privacy of my home
[聖人Saint] 黑奴聖女柏姬達 BAKHITA-il cuore ci martellava nel petto
[聖人Saint] 聖女貞德 St.Joan Of Arc (曾被意圖強姦 Ever Be Intent To Rape)
Saint Tomas Aquino《聖多瑪斯傳》貞潔的考驗
[聖人Saint] 聖女羅撒 (當時有不公平的現象,欺騙和虐待當地印地安人和黑人)
[聖人Saint] 聖女加大利納.德雷克塞爾(貞女) St. Katharine Drexel (把全部精力放在了當時深受美國社會排斥的北美印第安人和美國黑人身上)
Persecute The Little One Who Are Lord Jesus Christ’s Brothers And Sisters, Go To Hell? 迫害主耶穌基督的最小兄弟姐妹,下地獄?
閃電雷雨是 Now TV? 不是真的天上的指引?That Lightning Thunderstorm Was Now TV? Not Real Guidance From Heaven?
閃電雷雨是 Now TV? That Lightning Thunderstorm Was Now TV?
有位女子在我家附近說 (這幾天內的某天),我之前說的閃電雷雨是 Now TV 來的, 也不知道是不是
One female said near my home (one day within these few days), what I said the lightning thunderstorm was Now TV, don’t know if that right or not
Previously misunderstood that lightning thunderstorm was guidance from Heaven, so followed a bit, for example, didn’t walk along the building of Christian, went to St Anthony Church, went to Yuen Long to rent room to live, etc
I think I no need to totally same as when the Catholic Church just established, now already third millennium
閃電雷雨,像意圖射死我,大聲說什麽 Lightning Thunderstorm, Like Want To Kill Me By Lightning, Speak Loudly What
2014年6月23日 星期一
這些思高聖經經文也許與我的事有關 These Words From Catholic Holy Bible May Be Related To My Case
These Words From Catholic Holy Bible May Be Related To My Case
修改 Revised on 5 Jun 2014 (Date: 13 Apr 2014) Press Release 新聞稿 / Letter For Help 求助信
按公義補償予我 Base On Justice Compensate To Me: 在我家附近,偷窺公開我在家的私隱的人 Those people near my home, voyeur & make public the privacy of my home
I Have Vocation Before? Related To Revelation?
我之前有聖召? 與若望默示錄有關?
聖經 Sacred Scripture (信仰寶庫 the depositum fidei)
聖經 (天主教思高聖經)
弟茂德前書 1 Timothy
Chapter 6
2你要拿這些事教訓人,勸勉人。 2Teach and stress these things.
3若有人講異端道理,不順從我們的主耶穌基督的健全道理,與那合乎虔敬的教訓, 3Whoever teaches in some other way, not following the sound teaching of our Lord Christ Jesus and true religious instruction,
4他必是妄自尊大,一無所知,患有辯論和舌戰之癖的人;由此而生出嫉妒、爭吵、謾罵、惡意的猜疑, 4is conceited and understands nothing. This one is crazy about controversies and discussions which result in envy, insults,
5以及心思敗壞和喪失真理者的口角;他們以為虔敬是獲利之源。 5blows and constant arguments between people of depraved minds and far from the truth. For them, religion is merely for financial gain.
6的確,虔敬是一個獲利的富源,但應有知足的心, 6In reality, religion is a treasure if we are content with what we have.
7因為我們沒有帶什麼到世界上,同樣也不能帶走什麼, 7We brought nothing into the world and we will leave it with nothing.
8只要我們有吃有穿,就當知足。 8Let us then be content with having food and clothing.
9至於那些想望致富的人,卻陷於誘惑,墮入羅網和許多背理有害的慾望中,這慾望叫人沉溺於敗壞和滅亡中, 9Those who strive to be rich fall into temptations and traps. A lot of foolish and harmful ambitions plunge them into ruin and destruction.
10因為貪愛錢財乃萬惡的根源;有些人曾因貪求錢財而離棄了信德,使自己受了許多剌心的痛苦。 10Indeed, the love of money is the root of every evil. Because of this greed, some have wandered away from the faith, bringing on themselves afflictions of every kind.
11至於你,天主的人哪!你要躲避這些事;但要追求正義、虔敬、信德、愛德、堅忍和良善, 11But you, man of God, shun all this. Strive to be holy and godly. Live in faith and love, with endurance and gentleness.
12要奮力打這場有關信仰的好仗,要爭取永生:你正是為此而蒙召,並為此在許多證人前宣示了你那美好的誓言。 12Fight the good fight of faith and win everlasting life to which you were called when you made the good profession of faith in the presence of so many witnesses.
路加福音 Luke
Chapter 8
1以後,耶穌走遍各城各村講道,宣傳天主國的喜訊,同他在一起的有那十二門徒, 1Jesus walked through towns and countryside, preaching and giving the good news of the kingdom of God. The Twelve followed him,
2還有幾個曾附過惡魔或患病而得治好的婦女,有號稱瑪達肋納的瑪利亞,從她身上趕出了七個魔鬼; 2and also some women who had been healed of evil spirits and diseases: Mary called Magdalene, who had been freed of seven demons;
3還有約安納即黑落德的家宰雇撒的妻子,又有蘇撒納;還有別的許多婦女,她們都用自己的財產資助他們。 3Joanna, wife of Chuza, Herod's steward;
瑪竇福音 Matthew
Chapter 6
24「沒有人能事奉兩個主人:他或是要恨這一個而愛那一個,或是依附這一個而輕忽那一個。你們不能事奉天主而又事奉錢財。 24No one can serve two masters; for he will either hate one and love the other, or he will be loyal to the first and look down on the second. You cannot at the same time serve God and money.
25為此,我告訴你們:不要為你們的生命憂慮吃什麼,或喝什麼;也不要為你們的身體憂慮穿什麼。難道生命不是貴於食物,身體不是貴於衣服嗎? 25This is why I tell you not to be worried about food and drink for yourself, or about clothes for your body. Is not life more important than food and is not the body more important than clothes?
26你們仰觀天空的飛鳥,牠們不播種,也不收穫,也不在糧倉裡屯積,你們的天父還是養活牠們;你們不比牠們更貴重嗎? 26Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow, they do not harvest and do not store food in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than birds?
27你們中誰能運用思慮,使自己的壽數增加一肘呢? 27Can any of you add a day to your life by worrying about it?
28關於衣服,你們又憂慮什麼?你們觀察一下田間的百合花怎樣生長:它們既不勞作,也不紡織; 28Why are you so worried about your clothes? Look at the flowers in the fields how they grow. They do not toil or spin.
29可是我告訴你們:連撒羅滿在他極盛的榮華時代所披戴的,也不如這些花中的一朵。 29But I tell you that not even Solomon in all his wealth was clothed like one of these.
30田地裡的野草今天還在,明天就投在爐中,天主尚且這樣裝飾,信德薄弱的人哪,何況你們呢? 30If God so clothes the grass in the field which blooms today and is to be burned tomorrow in an oven, how much more will he clothe you? What little faith you have!
31所以,你們不要憂慮說:我們吃什麼,喝什麼,穿什麼? 31Do not worry and say: What are we going to eat? What are we going to drink? Or: what shall we wear?
32因為這一切都是外邦人所尋求的;你們的天父原曉得你們需要這一切。 32The pagans busy themselves with such things; but your heavenly Father knows that you need them all.
33你們先該尋求天主的國和它的義德,這一切自會加給你們。 33Set your heart first on the kingdom and justice of God and all these things will also be given to you.
34所以你們不要為明天憂慮,因為明天有明天的憂慮!一天的苦足夠一天受的了。」 34Do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
Exodus 出谷紀
Chapter 22 第廿二章
21 - Thou shalt not molest a stranger, nor afflict him: for yourselves also were strangers in the land of Egypt.22 - You shall not hurt a widow or an orphan.23 - If you hurt them they will cry out to me, and I will hear their cry:24 - And my rage shall be enkindled, and I will strike you with the sword, and your wives shall be widows, and your children fatherless.
22:20 對外僑,不要苛待和壓迫,因為你們在埃及也曾僑居過。22:21 對任何寡婦和孤兒,不可苛待;22:22 若是苛待了一個,他若向我呼求,我必聽他的呼求,22:23 必要發怒,用刀殺死你們:這樣,你們的妻子也要成為寡婦,你們的兒子也要成為孤兒。
Chapter 23 第廿三章
1 - Thou shalt not receive the voice of a lie: neither shalt thou join thy hand to bear false witness for a wicked person.2 - Thou shalt not follow the multitude to do evil: neither shalt thou yield in judgment, to the opinion of the most part, to stray from the truth.3 - Neither shalt thou favour a poor man in judgment.4 - If thou meet thy enemy's ox or ass going astray, bring it back to him.5 - If thou see the ass of him that hateth thee lie underneath his burden, thou shalt not pass by, but shalt lift him up with him.6 - Thou shalt not go aside in the poor man's judgment.7 - Thou shalt fly lying. The innocent and just person thou shalt not put to death: because I abhor the wicked.8 - Neither shalt thou take bribes, which even blind the wise, and pervert the words of the just.
23:1 不可傳播謠言;不可與惡人攜手作假見證。23:2 不可隨從多數以附和惡事;在爭訟的事上,不可隨從多數說歪曲正義的話。23:3 在爭訟的事上,也不可偏袒弱小。23:4 假使你遇見你仇人的牛或驢迷了路,應給他領回去。23:5 假使你遇見你仇人的驢跌臥在重載下,不可棄而不顧,應幫助驢主卸下重載。23:6 你對窮人的訴訟,不可歪曲他的正義。23:7 作偽的案件,你應戒避。不可殺無辜和正義的人,因為我決不以惡人為義人。23:8 不可受賄賂,因為賄賂能使明眼人眼瞎,能顛倒正義者的言語。
Deuteronomy 申命紀
Chapter 7 第七章
25 The images of their gods you shall destroy by fire. Do not covet the silver or gold on them, nor take it for yourselves, lest you be ensnared by it; for it is an abomination to the LORD, your God.
26 You shall not bring any abominable thing into your house, lest you be doomed with it; loathe and abhor it utterly as a thing that is doomed.
7:25 你應將他們的神像,投在火中燒掉;不應貪圖神像上的金銀,而留為己有,免得陷於羅網,因為這於上主你的天主是可憎之物。7:26 可憎之物,不可帶進你屋內;免得你與那些東西一同毀滅;你應厭惡憎恨這一切,因為那是應毀滅之物。
Chapter 12 第十二章
2 Destroy without fail every place on the high mountains, on the hills, and under every leafy tree where the nations you are to dispossess worship their gods.
3 Tear down their altars, smash their sacred pillars, destroy by fire their sacred poles, and shatter the idols of their gods, that you may stamp out the remembrance of them in any such place.
12:2 凡你們去征服的民族供奉神祇的地方,無論在高山上,或在丘陵上,或在任何綠樹下,都應加以破壞:12:3 拆毀他們的祭壇,打碎他們的石碣,燒毀他們的神柱,砍倒他們神祇的雕像,將他們的名字由那地方完全消除。
29 "When the LORD, your God, removes the nations from your way as you advance to dispossess them, be on your guard! Otherwise, once they have been wiped out before you and you have replaced them and are settled in their land,
30 you will be lured into following them. Do not inquire regarding their gods, 'How did these nations worship their gods? I, too, would do the same.'
31 You shall not thus worship the LORD, your God, because they offered to their gods every abomination that the LORD detests, even burning their sons and daughters to their gods.
12:29 當上主你的天主,將你所要進佔之地的民族,由你面前剷除,而你佔領了他們的地方,住在那裡的時候,12:30 你應小心,不要在他們由你面前消滅以後,你自己反受迷惑,去仿傚他們;也不要探究他們的神說:「這些民族怎樣事奉了他們的神,我也要怎樣去做。」12:31 對上主你的天主,你不可這樣做,因為凡上主所憎恨的可惡之事,他們對自己的神都做了;甚至為自己的神,用火焚燒了自己的子女。
Chapter 13 第十三章
1 "Every command that I enjoin on you, you shall be careful to observe, neither adding to it nor subtracting from it.
2 "If there arises among you a prophet or a dreamer who promises you a sign or wonder,
3 urging you to follow other gods, whom you have not known, and to serve them: even though the sign or wonder he has foretold you comes to pass,
4 pay no attention to the words of that prophet or that dreamer; for the LORD, your God, is testing you to learn whether you really love him with all your heart and with all your soul.
5 The LORD, your God, shall you follow, and him shall you fear; his commandment shall you observe, and his voice shall you heed, serving him and holding fast to him alone.
6 But that prophet or that dreamer shall be put to death, because, in order to lead you astray from the way which the LORD, your God, has directed you to take, he has preached apostasy from the LORD, your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt and ransomed you from that place of slavery. Thus shall you purge the evil from your midst.
13:1 凡我吩咐你們的事,你們應謹慎遵行;不可加添,也不可刪除。13:2 若你們中出現了一位先知或作夢的人,給你提供一種神蹟或奇事,13:3 而他所說的神蹟和奇事實現了,以致向你說:「讓我們去隨從事奉其他的神罷!」而那神是你素不相識的;13:4 你不要聽從這先知或作夢者的話,因為上主你們的天主有意試探你們,願意知道你們是否全心全靈真愛上主你們的天主。13:5 你們只應跟隨上主你們的天主,只應敬畏他,遵守他的誡命,聽從他的話,事奉他。依靠他。13:6 至於這先知或作夢的人,應處死刑,因為他出言背叛了領你出埃及地,由奴隸之家贖出你來的上主你們的天主,要你離棄上主你的天主命你當行的道路:如此你由你中間剷除了邪惡。
7 "If your own full brother, or your son or daughter, or your beloved wife, or your intimate friend, entices you secretly to serve other gods, whom you and your fathers have not known,
8 gods of any other nations, near at hand or far away, from one end of the earth to the other:
9 do not yield to him or listen to him, nor look with pity upon him, to spare or shield him,
10 but kill him. Your hand shall be the first raised to slay him; the rest of the people shall join in with you.
11 You shall stone him to death, because he sought to lead you astray from the LORD, your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, that place of slavery.
12 And all Israel, hearing of it, shall fear and never again do such evil as this in your midst.
13:7 如果你的兄弟,你父親或母親的兒子,或你的兒女,或你的愛妻,或你視如性命的朋友,暗中引誘你說:「讓我們去事奉其他的神罷!」而那神是你和你的祖先素不相識的,13:8 是你四周,離你或近或遠,由地極這邊到地極那邊的各民族所敬拜的神;13:9 你不可對他表示同意,不可聽從他,也不可憐視他,顧惜他,袒護他;13:10 務要將他殺死,並且你應先動手,然後全體人民動手打死他。13:11 你應用石頭砸死他,因為他圖謀使你離棄領你出埃及地,出奴隸之家的上主你的天主。13:12 這樣全以色列人聽了必然害怕,在你中間不致做出這樣邪惡的事。
13 "If, in any of the cities which the LORD, your God, gives you to dwell in, you hear it said
14 that certain scoundrels have sprung up among you and have led astray the inhabitants of their city to serve other gods whom you have not known,
15 you must inquire carefully into the matter and investigate it thoroughly. If you find that it is true and an established fact that this abomination has been committed in your midst,
16 you shall put the inhabitants of that city to the sword, dooming the city and all life that is in it, even its cattle, to the sword.
17 Having heaped up all its spoils in the middle of its square, you shall burn the city with all its spoils as a whole burnt offering to the LORD, your God. Let it be a heap of ruins forever, never to be rebuilt.
18 You shall not retain anything that is doomed, that the blazing wrath of the LORD may die down and he may show you mercy and in his mercy for you may multiply you as he promised your fathers on oath;
19 because you have heeded the voice of the LORD, your God, keeping all his commandments which I enjoin on you today, doing what is right in his sight.
13:13 如果你聽說,在上主你的天主賜給你居住的一座城內,13:14 由你中間出來了一些壞人,勾引本城的居民說:「讓我們去事奉其他的神罷!」而那神是你們素不相識的;13:15 你就該調查、探尋、仔細訪問;如果真有其事,在你中間真發生了這樣可惡的事,13:16 你該用利劍殺盡這城的居民,完全破壞此城和城中所有的一切,連城中的牲畜也用劍殺盡,13:17 並把由城中掠奪的一切財物堆積在廣場上,將城和所掠奪的一切財物放火焚燒,全獻給上主你的天主,使那城永遠成為廢墟,再不得重建。13:18 凡應毀滅之物,一件也不可留在你手中,好使上主撤回他的盛怒,對你施恩,憐恤你,照他對你祖先所誓許的,使你繁昌,13:19 只要你聽從上主你的天主的話,遵守我今天所吩咐你的一切誡命,實行上主你的天主眼中視為正直的事。
Chapter 16 第十六章
18 "You shall appoint judges and officials throughout your tribes to administer true justice for the people in all the communities which the LORD, your God, is giving you.
19 You shall not distort justice; you must be impartial. You shall not take a bribe; for a bribe blinds the eyes even of the wise and twists the words even of the just.
20 Justice and justice alone shall be your aim, that you may have life and may possess the land which the LORD, your God, is giving you.
16:18 在上主你的天主賜給你的各城鎮內,要為各支派設立判官和書記,他們應按照公道審判人民,16:19 不可違犯公平,不可徇情顧面,不可接受賄賂,因為賄賂令智慧人的眼目失明;16:20 只應追求公道與正義,好叫你能生存,佔有上主你的天主賜給你的土地。
21 "You shall not plant a sacred pole of any kind of wood beside the altar of the LORD, your God, which you will build;
22 nor shall you erect a sacred pillar, such as the LORD, your God, detests.
16:21 在你為上主你的天主所建的祭壇旁,不許豎立任何木頭的神柱;16:22 也不可立置上主你的天主所憎惡的石碣。
Chapter 17 第十七章
2 "If there is found among you, in any one of the communities which the LORD, your God, gives you, a man or a woman who does evil in the sight of the LORD, your God, and transgresses his covenant,
3 by serving other gods, or by worshiping the sun or the moon or any of the host of the sky, against my command;
4 and if, on being informed of it, you find by careful investigation that it is true and an established fact that this abomination has been committed in Israel:
5 you shall bring the man (or woman) who has done the evil deed out to your city gates and stone him to death.
6 The testimony of two or three witnesses is required for putting a person to death; no one shall be put to death on the testimony of only one witness.
7 At the execution, the witnesses are to be the first to raise their hands against him; afterward all the people are to join in. Thus shall you purge the evil from your midst.
17:2 在你中間,即在上主你的天主賜給你的一座城內,若發現一個男人或女人,做了上主你的天主眼中視為惡的事,違犯了他的盟約,17:3 去事奉敬拜其他的神,或太陽,或月亮,或任何天象,反對我所吩咐的事;17:4 如果有人告訴了你,你一聽說,就應詳細調查。如果實有其事,真在以色列中做了這種可惡的事,17:5 就將那做這種惡事的男人或女人,帶到城門外,用石頭砸死他們。17:6 根據兩個或三個見證的口供,即可將這該死的人處以死刑;根據一個見證的口供,卻不可處以死刑。17:7 見證人應先下手,然後眾人纔下手將他處死:如此由你中間剷除了這邪惡。
8 "If in your own community there is a case at issue which proves too complicated for you to decide, in a matter of bloodshed or of civil rights or of personal injury, you shall then go up to the place which the LORD, your God, chooses,
9 to the levitical priests or to the judge who is in office at that time. They shall study the case and then hand down to you their decision.
10 According to this decision that they give you in the place which the LORD chooses, you shall act, being careful to do exactly as they direct.
11 You shall carry out the directions they give you and the verdict they pronounce for you, without turning aside to the right or to the left from the decision they hand down to you.
12 Any man who has the insolence to refuse to listen to the priest who officiates there in the ministry of the LORD, your God, or to the judge, shall die. Thus shall you purge the evil from your midst.
13 And all the people, on hearing of it, shall fear, and never again be so insolent.
17:8 若在你城鎮內發生了訴訟案件:或是殺人,或是爭訟,或是毆傷,而又是你難以處決的案件,你應起來上到上主你的天主所選的地方,17:9 去見肋未司祭和那在職的判官,詢問他們,他們要指教你怎樣判斷這案件。17:10 你應依照他們在上主所選的地方,有關那案件指教你的話去執行;凡他們教訓你的,應完全遵行。17:11 應全依照他們給你的指導,告訴你的判斷去執行;對他們告訴你的定案,不可偏左偏右。17:12 若有人擅自行事,不聽從那侍立於上主你的天主前供職的司祭,或不聽從判官,應把這人處死。如此你由以色列中剷除了這邪惡;17:13 民眾聽見了,必都害怕,再不敢擅自行事。
14 "When you have come into the land which the LORD, your God, is giving you, and have occupied it and settled in it, should you then decide to have a king over you like all the surrounding nations,
15 you shall set that man over you as your king whom the LORD, your God, chooses. He whom you set over you as king must be your kinsman; a foreigner, who is no kin of yours, you may not set over you.
16 But he shall not have a great number of horses; nor shall he make his people go back again to Egypt to acquire them, against the LORD'S warning that you must never go back that way again.
17 Neither shall he have a great number of wives, lest his heart be estranged, nor shall he accumulate a vast amount of silver and gold.
18 When he is enthroned in his kingdom, he shall have a copy of this law made from the scroll that is in the custody of the levitical priests.
19 He shall keep it with him and read it all the days of his life that he may learn to fear the LORD, his God, and to heed and fulfill all the words of this law and these statutes.
20 Let him not become estranged from his countrymen through pride, nor turn aside to the right or to the left from these commandments. Then he and his descendants will enjoy a long reign in Israel.
17:14 當你進入上主你的天主賜給你的土地,佔據了那地,安住在那裡以後,你如說:「我願照我四周的各民族,設立一位君王統治我」,17:15 你應將上主你的天主所揀選的人,立為你的君王。應由你兄弟中立一人,作你的君王,不可讓不屬你兄弟的外方人統治你。17:16 但是,不可許他養許多馬,免得他叫人民回到埃及去買馬,因為上主曾對你們說過:「你們不可再回到那條路上去;」17:17 也不可許他有許多妻妾,免得他的心迷於邪途;也不可許他過於積蓄金銀。17:18 幾時他登上了王位,依照肋未司祭處所存的法律書,給他抄寫一本,17:19 叫他帶在身邊,一生天天閱讀,好使他學習敬畏上主他的天主,謹守遵行這法律上的一切話和這些規則。17:20 如此他可避免對自己的同胞心高氣傲,偏離這些誡命,好使他和他的子孫在以色列中間久居王位。
Chapter 18 第十八章
9 "When you come into the land which the LORD, your God, is giving you, you shall not learn to imitate the abominations of the peoples there.
10 Let there not be found among you anyone who immolates his son or daughter in the fire, nor a fortune-teller, soothsayer, charmer, diviner,
11 or caster of spells, nor one who consults ghosts and spirits or seeks oracles from the dead.
12 Anyone who does such things is an abomination to the LORD, and because of such abominations the LORD, your God, is driving these nations out of your way.
13 You, however, must be altogether sincere toward the LORD, your God.
18:9 幾時你進入了上主你的天主賜給你的土地,不要仿傚那些異民做可憎惡的事。18:10 在你中間,不可容許人使自己的兒子或女兒經過火,也不可容許人占卜、算卦、行妖術或魔術;18:11 或念咒、問鬼、算命和求問死者;18:12 因為凡做這些事的人,都是上主所憎惡的;其實就是為了這些可憎惡的事,上主你的天主纔把他們由你面前趕走。18:13 你應一心一意屬於上主你的天主。
Chapter 23 第廿三章
10 "When you are in camp during an expedition against your enemies, you shall keep yourselves from everything offensive.
11 If one of you becomes unclean because of a nocturnal emission, he shall go outside the camp, and not return until,
12 toward evening, he has bathed in water; then, when the sun has set, he may come back into the camp.
13 Outside the camp you shall have a place set aside to be used as a latrine.
14 You shall also keep a trowel in your equipment and with it, when you go outside to ease nature, you shall first dig a hole and afterward cover up your excrement.
15 Since the LORD, your God, journeys along within your camp to defend you and to put your enemies at your mercy, your camp must be holy; otherwise, if he sees anything indecent in your midst, he will leave your company.
23:10 幾時你出征紮營,攻打你的仇敵,應避免一切惡事。23:11 你中間如有人夜間夢遺,即成為不潔,應走出營外,不可進入營內;23:12 傍晚時,應用水洗澡,日落時,才能進營。23:13 在營外應有廁所,你應去那裡便溺。23:14 在你的武器中;應有一把鏟;當你在外便溺時,用它來掘坑,然後用以剷土掩蓋糞便。23:15 因為上主你的天主在你營中往來,為救護你,將你的仇人交給你,所以你的營地應當聖潔,免得他在你那裡見到討厭的事,而離棄你。
2014年6月21日 星期六
[My Vocation Before? 我之前的聖召?] 路加福音 Luke (又有蘇撒納;還有別的許多婦女,她們都用自己的財產資助他們 Suzanna and others who provided for them out of their own funds)
I Have Vocation Before? Related To Revelation?
我之前有聖召? 與若望默示錄有關?
聖經 Sacred Scripture (信仰寶庫 the depositum fidei)
聖經 (天主教思高聖經)
路加福音 Luke
Suzanna and others who provided for them out of their own funds)
Chapter 8
1以後,耶穌走遍各城各村講道,宣傳天主國的喜訊,同他在一起的有那十二門徒, 1Jesus walked through towns and countryside, preaching and giving the good news of the kingdom of God. The Twelve followed him,
2還有幾個曾附過惡魔或患病而得治好的婦女,有號稱瑪達肋納的瑪利亞,從她身上趕出了七個魔鬼; 2and also some women who had been healed of evil spirits and diseases: Mary called Magdalene, who had been freed of seven demons;
3還有約安納即黑落德的家宰雇撒的妻子,又有蘇撒納;還有別的許多婦女,她們都用自己的財產資助他們。 3Joanna, wife of Chuza, Herod's steward; Suzanna and others who provided for them out of their own funds.
2014年6月19日 星期四
[聖人Saint] 大聖若瑟 St. Joseph (1870年,聖教處於困厄之中,教宗庇護九世奉大聖若瑟為聖教總主保 In 1889 Pope Leo XIII urged Catholics to pray to Saint Joseph as patron of Church in view of challenges facing Church)
St. Joseph, Husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Patron of Universal Church
Patron Saint of China
In 1889 Pope Leo XIII urged Catholics to pray to Saint Joseph as patron of Church in view of challenges facing Church)
大聖若瑟禱文 Prayer To St Joseph
shall never die a sudden death…neither shall they fall into the hands of the enemy…or shall be overpowered in battle)
In 1870, Pope Pius IX declared Joseph patron of the universal Church and instituted another feast, with an octave, to be held in his honour on Wednesday in the second week after Easter.
In 1889 Pope Leo XIII issued the encyclical Quamquam Pluries in which he urged Catholics to pray to Saint Joseph, as the patron of the Church in view of the challenges facing the Church.
In 1989, on the occasion of the centenary of Quamquam Pluries Pope John Paul II issued Redemptoris Custos, i.e. Guardian of the Redeemer which presented Saint Joseph's role in the plan of redemption, as part of the "redemption documents" issued by John Paul II such as Redemptoris Mater to which it refers.
Saint Joseph is the patron saint of a number of cities, regions and countries, among them the Americas, Canada, China, Croatia, Mexico, Korea, Austria, Belgium, Peru, the Philippines and Vietnam, as well as of families, fathers, expectant mothers (pregnant women), travelers, immigrants, house sellers and buyers, craftsmen, engineers, and working people in general. (For full list, see External lists: Saint Joseph at Patron Saints Index)
2014年6月18日 星期三
勝利之后聖母 / 進教之佑聖母 Mary Help of Christians (義勇的十字軍依恃童貞聖母的助佑,大破土耳其的艦隊 when the whole of Christendom was saved by Mary Help of Christians when Catholics throughout Europe prayed the Rosary)
勝利之后聖母 / 進教之佑聖母 Mary Help of Christians
when the whole of Christendom was saved by Mary Help of Christians when Catholics throughout Europe prayed the Rosary)
梵二大公會議的文獻中說 :「 ……聖母瑪利亞升天以後,她在救恩中的角色從未中止過,她以一再的轉求,繼續為我們獲取永生的恩惠。她的慈母身份延續到她聖子『尚在人生旅途上被危險和困險包圍』的兄弟姊妹們身上,直到他們被引進幸福的天鄉。因此在教會內,人呼求榮福童貞為辯護者、輔助者、求急者、中保。不過,須肯定這樣稱呼聖母,對基督唯一中保的尊嚴和能力,並無任何增損。」( 參閱《教會憲章》62 ) 教宗保祿六世於梵二大公會議後,以宗座名義發表了一篇訓辭,宣稱聖母瑪利亞為「教會之母」,並說明:此即教會中的牧人與信徒的母親。
1572 年,當土耳其企圖闖入歐洲時,義勇的十字軍依恃童貞聖母的助佑,於萊濱多海戰中,大破土耳其的艦隊,榮奏凱歌。教宗庇護五世為紀念這光榮的勝利,欽定了勝利之后聖母瞻禮。
後來,在 1682 年,至聖童貞又解救了維也納城的信友,擊退了土耳其軍隊。為了感謝聖母的洪恩,教宗依諾增爵十二世批准成立聖母進教之佑善會。最後在 1814 年 5 月24 日 ,教宗庇護七世排除了拿破崙強權的壓迫,結束長期的漂流生活,榮歸羅馬。為了感謝聖母的助佑,他欽定了 5 月 24 日為聖母進教之佑瞻禮,永作紀念,而他本人亦常以進教之佑的尊號來呼求聖母。
The Feast of Mary Help of Christians is celebrated on May 24.
The tradition of this advocation goes back to 1571, when the whole of Christendom was saved by Mary Help of Christians when Catholics throughout Europe prayed the Rosary. The great battle of Lepanto occurred on October 7th 1571. For this reason this date has been chosen as the feast of the Holy Rosary. In 1573 Pope Pius V instituted the feast in thanksgiving for the decisive victory of Christianity over Islamism.
Near the end of the 17th century, Emperor Leopold I of Austria took refuge in the Shrine of Mary Help of Christians at Pasau, when 200,000 Ottoman Turks besieged the capital city of Vienna, but a great victory occurred thanks to Mary Help of Christians: on September 8th, Feast of Our Lady's Birthday, plans were drawn for the battle. On September 12, Feast of the Holy Name of Mary, Vienna was finally freed through the intercession of Mary Help of Christians. All Europe had joined with the Emperor crying out "Mary, Help!" and praying the Holy rosary.
In 1809, Napoleon's men entered the Vatican, arrested Pius VII and brought him in chains to Grenoble, and eventually Fontainbleau. His imprisonment lasted five years. The Holy Father vowed to God that , if he were restored to the Roman See, he would institute a special feast in honor of Mary. Military reverses forced Napoleon to release the Pope, and on May 24th 1814, Pius VII returned in triumph to Rome. Twelve months later, the Pope decreed that the feast of Mary Help of Christians, be kept on the 24th of May.
Divine Mercy 救主慈悲 (victory over [its] enemies already here on earth, especially at the hour of death 尤其是在臨終的時候,必能制勝他們的仇敵)
Divine Mercy 救主慈悲
(I also promise victory over [its] enemies already here on earth, especially at the hour of death. I Myself will defend it as My own glory
我更許下他們必得勝他在世上的仇敵,尤其是在臨終的時候,必能制勝他們的仇敵。 我會親自保衛他們如我自己的光榮一樣)
聖經 (天主教思高聖經)
Divine Mercy Image / 救主慈悲畫像
Paint an image according to the pattern you see, with the signature: Jesus, I trust in You. I promise that the soul that will venerate this image will not perish. I also promise victory over [its] enemies already here on earth, especially at the hour of death. I Myself will defend it as My own glory (Diary, 47, 48).
耶穌對傅天娜修女說:「我賜給世人一個器皿,他們可藉此常常來到慈悲的泉源獲取恩寵。 這器皿就是這幅寫著「耶穌,我信賴你!」的畫像。」 (327) 「藉著這幅畫像,我會賜給靈魂很多恩寵,所以讓所有靈魂都接近這幅畫像吧。 (570) 我許下凡恭敬畫像的人永不會喪亡,我更許下他們必得勝他在世上的仇敵,尤其是在臨終的時候,必能制勝他們的仇敵。 我會親自保衛他們如我自己的光榮一樣。」 (48)
In 1931 Our Lord appeared to St. Faustina in a vision. She saw Jesus clothed in a white garment with His right hand raised in blessing. His left hand was touching His garment in the area of the heart, from where two large rays came forth, one red and the other pale. She gazed intently at the Lord in silence; her soul was filled with awe, but also with great joy. Jesus said to her:
I am offering people a vessel with which they are to keep coming for graces to the fountain of mercy. That vessel is this image with the signature: "Jesus I trust in You" (327). I desire that this image be venerated, first in your chapel, and throughout the world (47).
At the request of her spiritual director, St. Faustina asked the Lord about the meaning of the rays in the Image. She heard these words in reply:
The two rays denote the Blood and Water. The pale ray stands for the Water which makes souls righteous. The red ray stands for the Blood which is the life of the souls. These two rays issued forth from the depths of My tender mercy when My agonized Heart was opened by the lance on the Cross ... Happy is the one who will dwell in their shelter, for the just hand of God shall not lay hold of him (299).
By means of this image I shall grant many graces to souls. It is to be a reminder of the demands of My mercy, because even the strongest of faith is of no avail without works (742).
畫像代表復活的基督,他的雙手和雙足都有釘傷。 我們在畫像上看不見他被刺透的心,但他的心射出了一道紅光和一道白光。 傅天娜修女向耶穌詢問神視的意義時,他解釋說:「白光代表水,能使靈魂成義;紅光代表血,是靈魂的生命。 當我憂悶的心在十字架上被長矛刺透時,我慈悲的深處便射出了這兩道光線。」 (299) 換言之,兩道光線代表了聖事,也代表在被刺透的肋旁下誕生的聖教會,同時也代表了聖神的恩賜,因為水在聖經裡是聖神的象徵。 「在這兩道光線中尋找庇護的人是有福的,因為天主不會向他們伸出公義 之手。」 (299)
因此聖像描繪了天主藉著基督復活的奧蹟圓滿地展示的仁慈。 教會的聖事最能彰顯他的慈愛。 畫像是求取恩寵的工具,而且也是一個標記,提醒世界要相信天主和仁慈地對待近人。 畫像下寫著這句話:「耶穌,我信賴你!」這句話要出自信靠之心。 耶穌說,這畫像「是要提醒世人我慈悲的要求,因為如果沒有善行,即使有最堅強的信德也沒有用處。」 (742)
The ABC's Of Mercy:
Ask for His Mercy
Be Merciful To Others 仁慈
Completely Trust In Jesus 信賴
Ask for His Mercy
Souls that make an appeal to My mercy delight Me. To such souls I grant even more graces than they ask. I cannot punish even the greatest sinner if he makes an appeal to My compassion (1146).
Beg for mercy for the whole world (570).
No soul that has called upon My mercy has ever been disappointed (1541).
Be Merciful To Others 仁慈
I demand from you deeds of mercy which are to arise out of love for Me. You are to show mercy to your neighbors always and everywhere. You must not shrink from this or try to excuse yourself from it. ... Even the strongest faith if of no avail without works (742).
I am Love and Mercy itself. When a soul approaches Me with trust, I fill it with such an abundance of graces that it cannot contain them within itself, but radiates them to other souls (1074).
I am giving you three ways of exercising mercy toward your neighbor:
the first — by deed, the second — by word, the third — by prayer. In these three degrees is contained the fullness of mercy, and it is an unquestionable proof of love for Me. By this means a soul glorifies and pays reverence to My mercy. (742)
If a soul does not exercise mercy somehow or other, it will not obtain My mercy on the day of judgment. Oh, if only souls knew how to gather eternal treasure for themselves, they would not be judged, for they would forestall My judgment with their mercy" (1317).
仁慈是我們對所有人應抱的態度。 耶穌告訴傅天娜修女說:「我要求你 ... 基於愛我的緣故,實施仁慈的行為。 你應該時時處處仁慈地對待近人,不得畏縮不前,或是諸多推託。 我要教你三個仁慈地對待近人的方法:第一是行為,第二是言語,第三是祈禱。 這三種方法充份地表達了仁慈,而且還無容置疑地證明你對我的愛。 人靈能藉著這三種行為,光榮和恭敬我的仁慈。」 (742)
這種積極關愛近人的態度也是獲得恩寵應具備的條件。 耶穌也提及福音的警語:「誰若不以某種方式實踐仁慈,在審判的日子便不會得到憐憫。 我多希望人靈知道怎樣為自己獲取永生的寶藏,他們不會受到審判,因為他們所行的仁慈制止了我的公義。」 (1317)
主耶穌要求朝拜他的人每天最少作一件仁慈的善行。 耶穌對傅天娜修女說:「我的女兒,要知道我的聖心就是仁慈。 恩寵由這個慈悲的汪洋湧流到整個世界我渴望我的仁慈恆久不斷地存留在你心裡。 我渴望藉著你的心向普世傾注仁慈。 讓所有接觸你的人離開你時都會信賴我的慈悲,我熱烈渴望把慈愛賜予人靈。」 (1777)
Completely Trust In Jesus 信賴
I have opened My Heart as a living fountain of mercy. Let all souls draw life from it. Let them approach this sea of mercy with great trust (1520).
On the cross, the fountain of My mercy was opened wide by the lance for all souls - no one have I excluded! (1182)
I am offering people a vessel with which they are to keep coming for graces to the fountain of mercy. That vessel is this image with the signature: "Jesus, I trust in You" (327). The graces of My mercy are drawn by means of one vessel only, and that is - trust. The more a soul trusts, the more it will receive (1578).
I never reject a contrite heart (1485). Sooner would heaven and earth turn into nothingness than would My mercy not embrace a trusting soul (1777).
信賴是我們對天主應有的情感。信賴不但是指望德,還要包括活潑的信德、謙遜、堅忍和痛悔己罪的精神,就像孩子一樣,無論在任何環境也對天父的慈愛和全能充滿信賴。 信賴是救主慈悲敬禮非常重要的一部分,沒有信賴之心,便沒法實行這個敬禮,因為朝拜救主慈悲首要的事,就是表達我們的信賴之心。
只要懷著信賴之心,即使沒有實踐敬禮的其他行為,這個信賴天主的靈魂也必能獲得恩寵,接受天主的仁慈。 耶穌曾許諾說:「我渴望把你們難以想像的恩寵,賜給信賴我的慈愛的靈魂。 (687)
讓他們懷著極大的信心來到慈悲的汪洋吧。 罪人會稱義,正義的人會得到肯定。 不論誰信賴我的慈悲,也會在臨終時充滿我所賜的平安。」 (1520)
信賴不但是敬禮的主要精神,也是獲取恩寵的條件。 耶穌告訴傅天娜修女說:「要獲得我的慈悲所包含恩寵,只有一個方法,就是要信賴我。 靈魂越信賴我,便會獲得更多的恩寵。 對我充滿信賴的靈魂,能給我極大的安慰,因為我會把寶貴的恩寵賜給他們。 如果他們的祈求多,我便雀躍萬分,因為我渴望賜下大量的恩寵。 (1578) 信賴我的仁慈的靈魂真有福,因為我會親自照顧他們。 (1273) 沒有任何靈魂呼求我的慈悲後會失望而回或蒙受羞辱。 人靈若信靠我的美善,我便以他們為樂。」 (1541)
St. Faustina Receives Eucharist As Follows 傅天娜修女生命中的聖體聖事:
The most solemn moment of my life is the moment when I receive Holy Communion. I long for each Holy Communion, and for every Holy Communion I give thanks to the Most Holy Trinity. (1804)
Today, I prepare for the Coming of the King.
What am I, and who are You, O Lord, King of eternal glory? O my heart, are you aware of who is coming to you today? Yes, I know, but – strangely – I am not able to grasp it. Oh, if He were just a king, but He is the King of kings, the Lord of lords. Before Him, all power and dominion tremble. He is coming to my heart today.
「我生命裡最隆重的時刻,就是領聖體的時候。 我期待每一次的聖體聖事,並為每一次聖體聖事感謝至聖聖三。」 (1804)
我是甚麼?你卻是永生的君王。我的心靈啊,你知道今天誰要駕臨嗎?是的,我知道,可是奇怪地,我卻無法理解。 他不只是君王,還是萬王之王,萬主之主,所有掌權者在他面前都要顫抖。 今天他要來到我的心中。
The Chaplet of Divine Mercy 慈悲串經
Priest will recommed it to sinners as their last hope of salvation. Even if there were a sinner most hardened, if he were to recite this chaplet only one, he would receive grace from My infinite mercy (687). I desire to grant unimaginable graces to those souls who trust in My mercy (687).
耶穌說:「司鐸該 把這慈悲串經推薦給罪人,作 為他們最後的希望。就連最心 硬的罪人,如果他只唸一次這 串經,也會從我無限的慈悲中 獲得恩寵。」( 687 )對那些一生最少誦唸了一遍 慈悲串經的人,耶穌許諾賜給 他們恩寵,只要他們作這祈禱 時,懷著完全的信心,態度謙 遜誠懇,並深深痛悔己罪。
Hour of Mercy (Three O’clock) 慈悲時刻 (每天三時正)
At three o'clock, implore My mercy, especially for sinners; and, if only for a brief moment, immerse yourself in My Passion, particularly in My abandonment at the moment of agony. This is the hour of great mercy. .. In this hour I will refuse nothing to the soul that makes a request of Me in virtue of My Passion (1320).
As often as you hear the clock strike the third hour, immerse yourself completely in My mercy, adoring and glorifying it; invoke its omnipotence for the whole world, and particularly for poor sinners; for at that moment mercy was opened wide for every soul. In this hour you can obtain everything for yourself and for others for the asking; it was the hour of grace for the whole world - mercy triumphed over justice. (1572)
My daughter, try your best to make the Stations of the Cross in this hour, provided that your duties permit it; and if you are not able to make the Stations of the Cross, then at least step into the chapel for a moment and adore, in the Most Blessed Sacrament, My Heart, which is full of mercy; and should you be unable to step into chapel, immerse yourself in prayer there where you happen to be, if only for a very brief instand (1572).
「每當三時正的鐘聲響起,你應把自己完全沉浸在我的仁慈之中,欽崇並光榮我的慈悲, 為世界,特別是可憐的罪人祈求全能的仁慈,因為這是我廣施慈愛的時刻。」( 1320 )
耶穌希望每天三時正,他在十字架上的聖死都會得到恭敬。 他表示,為整個世界來說,這是充滿恩寵的時辰,仁慈會凌駕公義之上。( 1572 )他希望我們在這個小時內默想他的悲慘苦難,因為他所受的苦難清晰地顯示了天主對他的子民的慈愛。耶穌希望我們在這時候朝拜和光榮天主的仁慈,並藉著他苦難的功勞,為我們自己和整個世界,尤其是 罪人,祈求必需的恩寵。
耶穌教導傅天娜修女說:「你要盡力在這個小時內拜苦路,但要你本份容許。如果你沒法拜苦路,最少也要走進聖堂逗留片刻,在至聖聖體前,朝拜我滿載仁慈的聖心。即使你沒法走進聖堂,那麼在你身處的地方,把自己沉浸在祈禱之中吧,即使只有片刻也足夠了。 」( 1572 )
耶穌許諾說,在這個小時內,「你可以為自己和其他人求得一切。」( 1572 )「我不會拒絕因我的苦難向我求恩的人。」( 1320 )
Feast of Mercy (Divine Mercy Sunday) 救主慈悲節日
Celebrate the Feast on the Second Sunday of Easter.
During the Mass of canonization of St. Faustina on April 30, 2000, Pope John Paul II proclaimed: "It is important then that we accept the whole message that comes to us from the word of God on this Second Sunday of Easter, which from now on throughout the Church, will be called Divine Mercy Sunday."
Sincerely repent of all our sins, go to Confession (preferably beforehand), and receive Holy Communion on the day of the Feast.
According to St. Faustina, Our Lord promises the remission of guilt and the punishment of sins, for those who go to confession and receive communion on this day.
"On that day the very depths of My tender mercy are open. I pour out a whole ocean of graces upon those souls who approach the fount of My mercy. The soul that will go to Confession and receive Holy Communion shall obtain complete forgiveness of sins and punishment. On that day all the divine floodgates through which grace flow are opened. Let no soul fear to draw near to Me, even though its sins be as scarlet. My mercy is so great that no mind, be it of man or of angel, will be able to fathom it throughout all eternity." (699)
“I desire that the Feast of Mercy be a refuge and shelter for all souls, and especially for poor sinners. ”
Venerate the Image of The Divine Mercy
Pope John Paul II said that the image of The Divine Mercy portrays the Risen Jesus Christ bringing Mercy to the whole world. Our Lord said "I want the image to be solemnly blessed on the first Sunday after Easter, and I want it to be venerated publicly so that every soul may know about it". (341)
A previously blessed image can be used in processions, be the object of veneration during a communal recitation of the Chaplet of Mercy or other devotions as the parish may celebrate during the Feast of Mercy.
Preparation for Divine Mercy Sunday
Pray the Novena to the Divine Mercy for the nine days preceding the Second Sunday of Easter, beginning on Good Friday.
The Novena to the Divine Mercy
It is greatly recommended that the novena intentions and prayers Our Lord teached be said together with the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy, since Our Lord specifically asked for a novena of Chaplets, especially before the "Feast of Mercy."
按耶穌的意願,我們應在複活節後首主日慶祝救主慈悲節日。 耶穌向我們展示救贖人類的復活奧蹟以及救主慈悲節日之間的密切開係。 當天的禮儀最能頌揚天主慈悲的奧蹟。
救主慈悲節日不但是朝拜天主慈悲的日子,對所有人尤其是罪人來說,也是充滿恩寵的一天。 耶穌為這一天許下了重大的承諾,其中最重要的承諾與在當天領聖體聖事有關。 這許諾就是罪過與罪罰的完全赦免。 換言之,就是只能在聖洗聖事獲得的恩寵。
耶穌跟傅天娜修女說:「我願意這幅畫像在復活節後首主日隆重的受祝聖,這個主日就是救主慈悲節日。 (49) 我渴望救主慈悲節日是所有人靈的避難所和庇護,特別是可憐的罪人。 在這天,我會向眾人大開我慈悲的深淵,並向所有投奔我慈悲泉源的人靈,傾瀉大量的恩寵。 當天辦告解和領聖體的人會獲得罪過和罪罰的全赦。 當天所有天恩的水閘也要開放。 願所有靈魂不要害怕到我跟前來,即使他們的罪紅得發紫。」 (699)
「救主慈悲節日來自我慈悲的深處,為使整個世界獲得安慰, (1517) 節日也在我廣闊無限的慈悲中得到肯定。」 (420)
這個節日的準備功夫包括在耶穌受難日開始一連九天,誦唸慈悲串經,作為對救主慈悲的九日敬禮。 聖女傅天娜《靈修日記》也記載了耶穌親授給她的九日敬禮,為她個人之用,並藉此敬禮給她許下了個人的承諾。 所有基督徒也可以照樣熱心地作此敬禮,故此我們也在本祈禱小冊子中轉載了這個敬禮。
耶穌對傅天娜修女說:「在這九日內,你要把靈魂帶到我慈悲的泉源內,使他們在此獲取力量和他們所需要的一切恩寵,以應付生活中的困難,特別是在臨終的時刻。 每天你要把不同的靈魂投進我慈悲的汪洋中,我會把他們帶到我父的家 ... 你每天也要從我的悲慘苦難獲取力量,為這些靈魂祈求天父。」
Proclaiming Mercy 宣講救主慈悲敬禮
Souls who spread the honor of My mercy I shield through their entire life as a tender mother her infant, and at the hour of death I will not be a Judge for them, but the Merciful Savior (1075).
Tell aching mankind to snuggle close to My merciful Heart, and I will fill it with peace (1074).
「那些傳揚敬禮我慈悲的靈魂,我將如同溫良的母親愛護她的嬰孩般,護佑他們的一生。 在他們臨終時,我將是他們仁慈的救主,而不是判官。」( 1075 )耶穌藉這番說話,鼓勵我們傳揚救主慈悲的敬禮。他答應會像母親一樣照顧傳揚敬禮的人,在他們一生裡和在臨終的時候保護他們。
Pope John Paul II Quotes On Divine Mercy 教宗若望保祿二世的話
For this reason, the Church must consider it one of her principal duties — at every stage of history and especially in our modern age — to proclaim and to introduce into life the mystery of mercy, supremely revealed in Jesus Christ. Not only for the Church herself as the community of believers but also in a certain sense for all humanity, this mystery is the source of a life different from the life which can be built by man, who is exposed to the oppressive forces of the threefold concupiscence active within him.(128) (Pope John Paul II Encyclical letter "On the Mercy of God, 14")
The Church proclaims the truth of God's mercy revealed in the crucified and risen Christ, and she professes it in various ways. Furthermore, she seeks to practice mercy towards people through people, and she sees in this an indispensable condition for solicitude for a better and "more human" world, today and tomorrow. However, at no time and in no historical period — especially at a moment as critical as our own — can the Church forget the prayer that is a cry for the mercy of God amid the many forms of evil which weigh upon humanity and threaten it. Precisely this is the fundamental right and duty of the Church in Christ Jesus, her right and duty towards God and towards humanity.(135)
(Pope John Paul II Encyclical letter "On the Mercy of God, 15")
為此,教會在歷史的每一階段,尤其在現代,應把在耶穌基督內所啟示的仁慈的奧秘,廣為宣講,並引進到人們的生活裡,且把這種工作視作教會最主要的責任之一。 不但是對於作為信友團體的教會本身,可以說,即使對於整個人類,這個仁慈的奧秘,也是一種生命的泉源。 它和人所能夠建立生命不同,因為人自己總是暴露在三仇的誘惑之下。
教會宣講天主仁慈之真理,這種仁慈是在受釘而又復活的基督身上被啟示出來。 教會用各種不同的方式,來表達這個信仰。 此外,教會又設法經由人而向人實施仁慈,教會認這是必要的條件以便為今天和明天建立一個更佳的和「更合於人性」的世界。 可是,不論在甚麼時候,不論在歷史上的甚麼階段――尤其在這個充滿危機的時刻――教會能忘記祈禱嗎?此祈禱乃是在各種邪惡困擾人類並威脅其生存之時,對天主仁慈的呼求。 這正是教會在耶穌基督內的權利和義務:即教會對於天主和對於全人類的權利和義務。
教宗若望保祿二世((富於仁慈的天主)通諭: 14,15)
Three Main Tasks Of St. Faustina (Mission) 聖女傅天娜的三項工作 (使命)
The Lord chose Sr. Faustina as the Apostle and Secretary of His mercy, so she would share the urgent message of Divine Mercy with our troubled modern world.
"In the Old Covenant I sent prophets wielding thunderbolts to My people. Today I am sending you with My mercy to the people of the whole world. I do not want to punish aching mankind, but I desire to heal it, pressing it to My Merciful Heart." (1588)
Her mission consisted in three main tasks:
Reminding the world and the Church of the truth of God's mercy for every human being, as revealed in the Holy Scriptures;
Entreating Divine Mercy for the whole world, especially for poor sinners, through the practice of new forms of devotion to the Divine Mercy;
Initiating the apostolic movement of Divine Mercy, the followers of which proclaim and entreat Divine Mercy for the world and strive to practice the works of mercy following the example of St. Faustina.
耶穌就是向這位純樸而全心信靠天主的修女,作出了這個奇妙的宣言:「在舊約時期,我派遣先知向我的人民大發雷霆。 今天我派遣妳把我的仁慈帶給全世界。 我不想懲罰痛苦的人類,只希望治癒他們,讓他們貼近我的仁慈的聖心。」 (1588)
傅天娜修女後來患了結核病,再加上她為罪人作犧牲時所受的痛苦,使她身體虛弱,疲憊不堪。 結果,她在一九三八年十月五日於克拉科夫逝世,享年三十三歲。
2014年6月17日 星期二
大聖若瑟禱文 Prayer To St Joseph (他總不會暴斃…他們也不會落在敵人手中…且不會在戰場上失敗 shall never die a sudden death…neither shall they fall into the hands of the enemy…or shall be overpowered in battle)
大聖若瑟禱文 Prayer To St Joseph
shall never die a sudden death…neither shall they fall into the hands of the enemy…or shall be overpowered in battle)
- 大聖若瑟古老禱文
PDF 祈禱文
大聖若瑟 St Joseph
大聖若瑟古老禱文 〔此經文追溯於 1500 年間,當時教宗把此 經文給將要赴戰場的羅馬皇帝查理。 不拘 誰唸此經文,或聽它,抑或帶在身邊,他 總不會暴斃,也不會溺水,毒藥對他們也 不會發生作用。他們也不會落在敵人手 中,或是被任何火焚燒,且不會在戰場上失敗。為求你所要得的任何恩典, 只要一連九天早晨誦唸,求大聖若瑟降福及代禱,很小聽到有求未應者。
This prayer was found in the fiftienth year of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. In 1505 it was sent from the Pope to Emperor Charles when he was going into battle. Whoever shall read this prayer or hear it or keep it about themselves, shall never die a sudden death, or be drowned, not shall posion take effect of them; neither shall they fall into the hands of the enemy; or shall be burned in any fire, or shall be overpowered in battle.
Say for nine mornings for anything you may desire. It has never been known to fail, so be sure you really want what you ask.
PDF 祈禱文
Oh, St. Joseph, whose protection is so great, so strong, so prompt before the throne of God. I place in you all my interests and desires. Oh, St. Joseph, do assist me by your powerful intercession, and obtain for me from your devine Son all spiritual blessings, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. So that, having engaged here below your heavenly power, I may offer my thanksgiving and homage to the most loving of Fathers.
Oh, St. Joseph, I never weary of contemplating you, and Jesus asleep in your arms; I dare not approach while He reposes near your heart. Press Him in my name and kiss His fine head for me and ask him to return the Kiss when I draw my dying breath. St. Joseph, Patron of departing souls - Pray for me.
Prayer To St Joseph (English)
Spouse Of The Blessed Virgin Mary, Confessor And Patron Of The Universal Church
The Litany of Saint Joseph
PDF 祈禱文
啓 :天主矜憐我等。
啓 :基利斯督俯聽我等。
啓 :在天天主父者。
啓 :贖世天主子者。
啓 :聖神天主者。
啓 :三位一體天主者。
啓 :聖瑪利亞
啓 :聖若瑟
啓 :達味之榮裔。
啓 :聖祖之輝耀。
啓 :天主聖母之淨配。
啓 :聖母童貞之潔護。
啓 :天主聖子之鞠養。
啓 :基利斯督之勤衛。
啓 :聖家之長。
啓 :若瑟至義者。
啓 :若瑟至潔者。
啓 :若瑟至智者。
啓 :若瑟至勇者。
啓 :若瑟至順者。
啓 :若瑟至忠者。
啓 :忍耐之明鏡。
啓 :貧窮之實愛。
啓 :工藝之表率。
啓 :家居之光榮。
啓 :童貞之保護。
啓 :家室之砥柱。
啓 :苦者之安慰。
啓 :病者之希望。
啓 :臨終之主保。
啓 :邪魔之驚懼。
啓 :聖教之保障。
啓 :除免世罪天主羔羊者。
啓 :除免世罪天主羔羊者。
啓 :除免世罪天主羔羊者。
啓 :主立之為己家之長。
請眾同禱:天主爾以莫名之制。特簡榮福若瑟。為童貞聖母淨配。懇祈賜我等。 凡在世恭敬其主保者。在天得蒙其轉達。乃爾與天主聖父。及天主聖 神。為一天主。乃生乃王世世。亞孟。
第一個星期日 第一苦:因聖母懷孕而疑
極貞至潔,童貞聖母瑪利亞之淨配聖若瑟。你見聖母懷孕吾主,不知其由,你心不勝驚苦,及天神夢中為你解疑,你心無任欣樂。我今稱讚你,懇求你,仰望為你 苦,為你樂,今世佑我善生,臨終佑我如你善死,於吾主耶穌,暨聖母瑪利亞之中。(在此靜默提出祈求意向)
啓:天主矜憐我等。 應:天主矜憐我等。
啓:基督矜憐我等。 應:基督矜憐我等。
啓:基督俯聽我等。 應:基督俯聽我等。
啓:基督垂允我們 應:基督垂允我們
啓:在天天主父者。 應:矜憐我等。
啓:聖瑪利亞 應:為我等祈。(後同)
啓:除免世罪天主羔羊者。 應:主赦我等。
啓:除免世罪天主羔羊者。 應:主允我等。
啓:除免世罪天主羔羊者。 應:主憐我等。
領:主立之為己家之長。 眾:又立之諸產之主。
大聖若瑟,瑪利亞的淨配,請紀念我們、為我們祈禱、護守我們。你是新亞當的樂園的守衛,請供應我們屬靈和現世的各種需要。你是寶中之寶的忠誠守衛,我們懇 求你導引此事,為光榮天主和我們靈魂的好處,使我們祈求的意向,得到喜樂的結果。亞孟。
第二個星期日 第二苦:耶穌出生卻無處容身
滿被榮福鞠養吾主耶穌者聖若瑟。你見吾主生你貧家,你心不勝痛苦,迨聞天神空中,頌颺天主,你心無任欣樂。我今稱讚你,懇求你,仰望為你苦,為你樂,佑我 死後,得升天堂,聽諸神讚美天主,永享榮福。(在此靜默提出祈求意向)
第三個星期日 第三苦:聖嬰受割損及起名
承順主名無違者聖若瑟。你見吾主受行古禮,以石刀割損聖肢,你心不勝痛苦,迨聞稱主耶穌之名,你心無任欣樂。我今稱讚你,懇求你,仰望為你苦,為你樂,轉 求天主,賜我生時能侍主名,退絕諸罪之引緣,死時心口合一,稱頌主名而逝世。(在此靜默提出祈求意向)
第四個星期日 第四苦:驚聞西默盎預言
通達救世奧義者聖若瑟。你聆西默盎祝讚吾主,如眾矢所集之鵠,聖母如利刃刺心,你心不勝痛苦,迨你明達吾主與聖母之苦,能救贖萬民,又為多人之榮復活,你 心無任欣樂。我今稱讚你,懇求你,仰望為你苦,為你樂,轉求天主,以吾主耶穌之功勞,聖母瑪利亞之保佑,使我將來能得光榮之復活。(在此靜默提出祈求意 向)
第五個星期日 第五苦:聖家逃難至埃及
謙謹伴衛天主聖子者聖若瑟。你以極貧極力,鞠養吾主,更窘迫於避害,而往厄日多,你心不勝痛苦,但你得親顧復天主聖子,且見彼地魔像,為此傾頹,你心無任 欣樂。我今稱讚你,懇求你,仰望為你苦,為你樂,轉求天主,使我能避地獄虐王之害,能傾頹私慾諸惡情;生時專心事吾主耶穌及聖母,死後偕同聖母聖配,安然 而逝。(在此靜默提出祈求意向)
第六個星期日 第六苦:出離埃及並回國
極尊上主之使者聖若瑟,你受聖子承順之德,攜聖子及聖母,自厄日多返回耶路撒冷,你聞亞格勞,嗣黑落得之位,心中不勝憂苦,後得天神慰示平安,回歸納匝肋 府,你心無任欣樂。我今稱讚你,懇求你,仰望為你苦,為你樂,賜我形神安和,無恐無懼,偕吾主耶穌,暨聖母瑪利亞,以生以死。(在此靜默提出祈求意向)
第七個星期日 第七苦:耶京聖殿耶穌走失
萬德諸善之表儀者聖若瑟。你失吾主三日,雖非你罪所致,你心不勝痛苦,多方尋覓,三日後,遇吾主在聖殿講論於教士之中,你心無任欣樂。我今稱讚你,懇求 你,仰望為你苦,為你樂,轉求天主,賜我至終,不失吾主,或不幸有何罪惡以致失主,求賜我如你痛苦尋覓,必至見主,併籲懇佑我死後,得見吾主,偕你及諸聖 人聖女,享厥榮福。(在此靜默提出祈求意向)
大聖若瑟,瑪利亞的淨配,請紀念我們、為我們祈禱、護守我們。你是新亞當的樂園的守衛,請供應我們屬靈和現世的各種需要。你是寶中之寶的忠誠守衛,我們懇 求你導引此事,為光榮天主和我們靈魂的好處,使我們祈求的意向,得到喜樂的結果。亞孟。
2014年6月14日 星期六
聖經 Sacred Scripture (信仰寶庫 the depositum fidei) 瑪竇福音 Matthew (你們用什麼尺度量給人,也要用什麼尺度量給你們 measure you use for others will be used for you)
聖經 Sacred Scripture (信仰寶庫 the depositum fidei)
聖經 (天主教思高聖經)
瑪竇福音 Matthew
measure you use for others will be used for you)
Chapter 7
1「你們不要判斷人,免得你們受判斷, 1Do not judge and you will not be judged.
2因為你們用什麼判斷來判斷,你們也要受什麼判斷;你們用什麼尺度量給人,也要用什麼尺度量給你們。 2In the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and the measure you use for others will be used for you.
3為什麼你只看見你兄弟眼中的木屑,而對自己眼中的大樑竟不理會呢? 3Why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye and not see the plank in your own eye?
4或者,你怎能對你的兄弟說:讓我把你眼中的木屑取出來,而你眼中卻有一根大樑呢? 4How can you say to your brother: 'Come, let me take the speck from your eye,' as long as that plank is in your own?
5假善人哪!先從你眼中取出大樑,然後你纔看得清楚,取出你兄弟眼中的木屑。 5Hypocrite, take first the plank out of your own eye, then you will see clear enough to take the speck out of your brother's eye.
按公義補償予我 Base On Justice Compensate To Me: 在我家附近,偷窺公開我在家的私隱的人 Those people near my home, voyeur & make public the privacy of my home
按公義補償予我 Base On Justice Compensate To Me:
Those people near my home, voyeur & make public the privacy of my home
Those people near my home, voyeur & make public the privacy of my home
(Including thought, pray, work, materials inside, things happened inside, the one two second(s) act of my body)
我覺得 I Think (也許不是全部 May Be Not All)
男的 Male
按假基督、作假見證、意圖強姦、強迫婦女相似夜總會陪坐被強迫任睇任講任侮辱任品評、邪教和黑社會的罪, 按公義補償予我 (程度我不知道)
Base On Sin Of False Christ, False Witness, Intend To Rape, Force Female To Like Night Club Sit With Be Force To Freely Be Watch Be Talk Be Insult Be Comment & Judge, Devil Religion And Gangland, Base On Justice Compensate To Me (Intensity I Don’t Know)
女的 Female
按假教師 、作假見證、精神虐待、邪教和黑社會的罪, 按公義補償予我 (程度我不知道)
Base On Sin Of False Teacher, False Witness, Psychological Abuse, Devil Religion And Gangland, Base On Justice Compensate To Me (Intensity I Don’t Know)
之前的貼文 Previous Posts
修改 Revised on 5 Jun 2014 (Date: 13 Apr 2014) Press Release 新聞稿 / Letter For Help 求助信
暴力對待我家中包括思想的私隱 Violence To Treat My Home Include Thought Privacy = 意圖強姦和精神虐待? Intent To Rape And Psychological Abuse?
Those human, not bird, in somewhere near my home, voyeur, and, make public or reply, my privacy inside my home or content of my thought when I was inside home, if those things should be count as intent to rape and psychological abuse?
因此我持續沒停止地被意圖強姦和精神虐待, 在這裏 (粉嶺)居所半年?
So I continue non stop be intent to rape and psychological abuse in here (Fanling) half year?
In Kam Tin also underwent these, but here Fanling more serious
During homeless, similar things happened?
自2007年8月底,Now TV? 偷窺和公開我家中私隱,案件還沒有破
Since end of August 2007, Now TV? voyeur and make public my home privacy, case not yet broken
修改 Revised on 5 Jun 2014 (Date: 13 Apr 2014) Press Release 新聞稿 / Letter For Help 求助信
My Forgiveness On My Cases Since 2007 我對自2007年的事件的寬恕
我自2007年至現在的這些事,我交予公義仁愛的主耶穌基督審斷,my cases since 2007 until now, I let Lord Jesus Christ with justice and love to judge
聖教宗若望保祿二世說 St Pope John Paul II said
forgiveness cannot cancel or reduce the compensation for justice need, no contradictory between forgiveness and justice, no truths no forgiveness
(如何去愛 Go In Peace: A Gift Of Enduring Love
Chapter 2 第二章: On Forgiveness And Reconciliation 怎樣寬恕、和好, 聖教宗若望保祿二世著 St Pope John Paul II written)
Then, I will to forgive all people owe me
修改 Revised on 5 Jun 2014 (Date: 13 Apr 2014) Press Release 新聞稿 / Letter For Help 求助信
Divine Mercy 救主慈悲: Sister Faustina Diary 聖傅天娜修女日記 [568] Regarding Privacy 有關於私隱
Divine Mercy 救主慈悲:
Sister Faustina Diary 聖傅天娜修女日記
[568] Regarding Privacy 有關於私隱
Sister Faustina Diary 568 - You Tube
568 院長對修女的關係
[聖人Saint] 黑奴聖女柏姬達 BAKHITA-il cuore ci martellava nel petto
[聖人Saint] 聖女貞德 St.Joan Of Arc (曾被意圖強姦 Ever Be Intent To Rape)
Saint Tomas Aquino《聖多瑪斯傳》貞潔的考驗
[聖人Saint] 聖女羅撒 (當時有不公平的現象,欺騙和虐待當地印地安人和黑人)
[聖人Saint] 聖女加大利納.德雷克塞爾(貞女) St. Katharine Drexel (把全部精力放在了當時深受美國社會排斥的北美印第安人和美國黑人身上)
修改 Revised on 5 Jun 2014 (Date: 13 Apr 2014) Press Release 新聞稿 / Letter For Help 求助信
迫害我的人有些像這個 Those People Persecute Me A Bit Like This “全能神滲透新疆兵團 兩邪教成員被拘”
自2007年迫害,有點像墨西哥邪教強迫婦女充性奴 Since 2007 Persecute, A Bit Like Mexican Worship Devil Religion Forced Woman Be Sex Slaves
按假基督和假教師的罪,按公義補償予我 Base On Sin Of False Christ & False Teacher, Base On Justice Compensate To Me
暴力地對待我的私隱像尼苛勞黨人? Violently Treat My Privacy Like Nicolaitans?
修改 Revised on 5 Jun 2014 (Date: 13 Apr 2014) Press Release 新聞稿 / Letter For Help 求助信
Persecute The Little One Who Are Lord Jesus Christ’s Brothers And Sisters, Go To Hell? 迫害主耶穌基督的最小兄弟姐妹,下地獄?
暴力對待我家中包括思想的私隱 Violence To Treat My Home Include Thought Privacy = 意圖強姦和精神虐待? Intent To Rape And Psychological Abuse?
偷窺女子私隱 Voyeur Female Privacy = 沒有守好第九誡 Haven’t Observe 9th Commandment = 沒有聖母許諾聖衣特恩 Haven’t Mary’s Promise To Release From Purgatory (Scapular)?
暴力地對待女性私隱 Violence To Female Privacy = 沒法實行救主慈悲敬禮? Reject For Entreating Divine Mercy? 沒有聖母特恩? No Special Promise Of Blessed Virgin Mary?
看偷拍私隱影片違反貞潔之德 Watch Video Voyeur Make Public Privacy Counter Virtue Of Chastity, 不要看 Don’t Watch
侵犯女性私隱 Invasion Of Female Privacy = 沒有守好貞潔之德 Haven’t Keep Good Virtue Of Chastity? = 不能取得敬禮聖母的特恩許諾 Cannot Get Special Grace Promise Of Giving A Salute To Blessed Virgin Mary?
修改 Revised on 5 Jun 2014 (Date: 13 Apr 2014) Press Release 新聞稿 / Letter For Help 求助信
2014年6月13日 星期五
天主教法典 (繁體中文) CODE OF CANON LAW
1364 妨害信仰及教會統一罪;
694-696, 703 修會開除;
747-754 教會訓導職
第 六 卷 教會刑法
第 二 編 罪 罰 分 則
第 一 題 妨害信仰及教會統一罪
1364 條 - 1 項 - 背教人,異端人或裂教人受自科絕罰,亦應遵守 194 條 1 項 2 款的規定;其為聖職人員者,得加處 1336 條 1 項 1、2 及 3 款所規定的罰。
Can. 1364 §1. Without prejudice to the prescript of ⇒ can. 194, §1, n. 2, an apostate from the faith, a heretic, or a schismatic incurs a latae sententiae excommunication; in addition, a cleric can be punished with the penalties mentioned in ⇒ can. 1336, §1, nn. 1, 2, and 3.
2 項 - 因持久固執及惡表重大而有急需時,得加處其他罰,並得撤 銷聖職身分。
§2. If contumacy of long duration or the gravity of scandal demands it, other penalties can be added, including dismissal from the clerical state.
第 二 卷 天主子民
第 三 編 獻身生活會及使徒生活團
第 一 組 獻身生活會
第 一 題 獻身生活會之共同規則
第 二 題 修 會
第 六 章 脫離修會
第 三 節 開 除
Art. 3.
694 條 - 1 項 - 會士有以下情況者,應視為事實上被開除:
1° 顯然背棄天主教信仰者;
2° 已結婚者,或即使僅以民法方式試圖結婚者。
2 項 - 當此情況,高級上司與其參議會應毫無延緩地收集證據,宣 佈事實,使開除具備法定效力。
Can. 694 §1. A member must be held as ipso facto dismissed from an institute who:
1/ has defected notoriously from the Catholic faith;
2/ has contracted marriage or attempted it, even only civilly.
§2. In these cases, after the proofs have been collected, the major superior with the council is to issue without any delay a declaration of fact so that the dismissal is established juridically.
695 條 - 1 項 - 會士因 1397,1398 及 1395 各條的罪行應當被開 除。但關於 1395 條 2 項的罪行,上司認定開除並非絕對必要,而且能 以別種方式指引會士悔改,恢復正義,賠補惡表。
2 項 - 當此情況,高級上司在收集犯罪事實及責任後,向應開除的 會士提出控訴並加證明,但同時給與會士為自己辯護的權利。一切案 件由高級上司和書記簽 字,連同會士簽字的書面答辯一併轉呈給最 高上司。
Can. 695 §1. A member must be dismissed for the delicts mentioned in cann. ⇒ 1397, ⇒ 1398, and ⇒ 1395, unless in the delicts mentioned in ⇒ can. 1395, §2, the superior decides that dismissal is not completely necessary and that correction of the member, restitution of justice, and reparation of scandal can be resolved sufficiently in another way.
§2. In these cases, after the proofs regarding the facts and imputability have been collected, the major superior is to make known the accusation and proofs to the member to be dismissed, giving the member the opportunity for self-defense. All the acts, signed by the major superior and a notary, together with the responses of the member, put in writing and signed by that member, are to be transmitted to the supreme moderator.
696 條 - 1 項 - 會士也可因其他原因被開除,只要原因是重大的, 外在的,負罪責的,依法證明的,例如:經常疏忽獻身生活的責任; 一再違反聖願;在重大事故上固執不服從上司合法命令;因會士有罪 的行動方式而立重大惡表者。固執支持或傳佈被教會訓導權處罰的道 理;公開隨從唯物主義,或無神主義所污染的思想;違法離開會院如665 條 2 項所提超過六個月者;其他類似由本修會規定的嚴重原因.
Can. 696 §1. A member can also be dismissed for other causes provided that they are grave, external, imputable, and juridically proven such as: habitual neglect of the obligations of consecrated life; repeated violations of the sacred bonds; stubborn disobedience to the legitimate prescripts of superiors in a grave matter; grave scandal arising from the culpable behavior of the member; stubborn upholding or diffusion of doctrines condemned by the magisterium of the Church; public adherence to ideologies infected by materialism or atheism; the illegitimate absence mentioned in ⇒ can. 665, §2, lasting six months; other causes of similar gravity which the proper law of the institute may determine.
703 條 - 遇有會士立嚴重惡表,使修會面臨外在或極嚴重的損害 時,高級上司,或急不容緩時,地區上司經參議會同意,立即將該會 士從會院驅逐。如有需要,高級上司應依法律規定進行開除程式,或 將事件呈遞宗座。
Can. 703 In the case of grave external scandal or of most grave imminent harm to the institute, a member can be expelled immediately from a religious house by the major superior or, if there is danger in delay, by the local superior with the consent of the council. If it is necessary, the major superior is to take care to begin a process of dismissal according to the norm of law or is to refer the matter to the Apostolic See.
第 三 卷 教會訓導職
747 條 - 1 項 - 主基督曾將信仰寶庫託給教會,使其因聖神的 助佑,將啟示的真理聖善的保全,精密的探究,忠信的宣報和闡 明。教會有天賦的義務和權利,得應用本身所有的社會傳播工 具,不受任何人間權力的限制,向全人類宣講福音。
2 項 - 無論在何時何地,教會也有權宣報有關社會秩序的倫理 原則,對人的事務,在人格的基本權益或人靈的得救有要求時, 亦有權審斷。
Can. 747 §1. The Church, to which Christ the Lord has entrusted the deposit of faith so that with the assistance of the Holy Spirit it might protect the revealed truth reverently, examine it more closely, and proclaim and expound it faithfully, has the duty and innate right, independent of any human power whatsoever, to preach the gospel to all peoples, also using the means of social communication proper to it.
§2. It belongs to the Church always and everywhere to announce moral principles, even about the social order, and to render judgment concerning any human affairs insofar as the fundamental rights of the human person or the salvation of souls requires it.
748 條 - 1 項 - 人人都應該追求一切有關天主和其教會的真 理,在認識後應信從之,且因神律有遵守的義務並享權利。
2 項 - 任何人不得強迫別人違背自己的良心而信從天主教的信仰。
Can. 748 §1. All persons are bound to seek the truth in those things which regard God and his Church and by virtue of divine law are bound by the obligation and possess the right of embracing and observing the truth which they have come to know.
§2. No one is ever permitted to coerce persons to embrace the Catholic faith against their conscience.
749 條 - 1 項 - 教宗以其做所有基督信徒的最高牧人和導師的 身份,有權在信仰上堅強眾弟兄,當用職權以決定的行動宣佈有 關當信從的信仰或道德教義時,享有在訓導上不錯的特恩。
2 項 - 主教們在大公會議聚會,以信仰和道德的導師和法官的 身份,為普世教會決定地宣告當信從的信仰和道德的教義時;或 是散居世界各地之主教,彼此之間並與伯鐸的繼承人保持著共融 的連繫,與教宗一致確切教導信仰及道德,而共同決定某一信條 時,主教們在訓導上亦享有不錯特恩。
3 項 - 任何教義,除非是明顯地如此決定的,不得視為以不錯 特恩所決定者。
Can. 749 §1. By virtue of his office, the Supreme Pontiff possesses infallibility in teaching when as the supreme pastor and teacher of all the Christian faithful, who strengthens his brothers and sisters in the faith, he proclaims by definitive act that a doctrine of faith or morals is to be held.
§2. The college of bishops also possesses infallibility in teaching when the bishops gathered together in an ecumenical council exercise the magisterium as teachers and judges of faith and morals who declare for the universal Church that a doctrine of faith or morals is to be held definitively; or when dispersed throughout the world but preserving the bond of communion among themselves and with the successor of Peter and teaching authentically together with the Roman Pontiff matters of faith or morals, they agree that a particular proposition is to be held definitively.
§3. No doctrine is understood as defined infallibly unless this is manifestly evident.
750 條 - 天主所啟示和天主教會所頒定的當信的教義為:包含 在以文字記載或是傳授下的天主聖言內,即託付給教會信仰寶庫 內。同時由教會隆重的訓導,或是由通常的和普世的訓導而提供 的天主啟示的所有真理,對這一切信友們應在神聖訓導權的領導 下,共同表示信從,因此人人應避與此相反的教義。
Can. 750 §1. A person must believe with divine and Catholic faith all those things contained in the word of God, written or handed on, that is, in the one deposit of faith entrusted to the Church, and at the same time proposed as divinely revealed either by the solemn magisterium of the Church or by its ordinary and universal magisterium which is manifested by the common adherence of the Christian faithful under the leadership of the sacred magisterium; therefore all are bound to avoid any doctrines whatsoever contrary to them.
§2. Each and every thing which is proposed definitively by the magisterium of the Church concerning the doctrine of faith and morals, that is, each and every thing which is required to safeguard reverently and to expound faithfully the same deposit of faith, is also to be firm-ly embraced and retained; therefore, one who rejects those propositions which are to be held definitively is opposed to the doctrine of the Catholic Church.
751 條 - 所謂異端,是在領洗後,固執地否認某端天主所啟示 和教會所定該信的真理,或是固執地懷疑這端道理;所謂背教, 是整個拒絕基督宗教的信仰;所謂裂教,是不願服從教宗或是不 願與隸屬教宗的教會成員共融。
Can. 751 Heresy is the obstinate denial or obstinate doubt after the reception of baptism of some truth which is to be believed by divine and Catholic faith; apostasy is the total repudiation of the Christian faith; schism is the refusal of submission to the Supreme Pontiff or of communion with the members of the Church subject to him.
752 條 - 凡是教宗或是世界主教團所宣佈的有關信仰和道德的 教義,只要是施行真正的訓導權,雖然無意以決定的行為加以宣 佈,信徒即使不做信仰的隨從,也應該加以理智和意志的崇敬; 因此信友應該避免與此道理不合者。
Can. 752 Although not an assent of faith, a religious submission of the intellect and will must be given to a doctrine which the Supreme Pontiff or the college of bishops declares concerning faith or morals when they exercise the authentic magisterium, even if they do not intend to proclaim it by definitive act; therefore, the Christian faithful are to take care to avoid those things which do not agree with it.
753 條 - 與世界主教團的元首和其成員共融的眾位主教,無論 是單獨的,或是在主教會議中,或是在地區會議內聚會,雖然不 享有訓導的不錯特恩,但對所管信友卻是信仰的真正導師和教 師;信友應該以宗教的熱誠服從自己主教的真正訓導。
Can. 753 Although the bishops who are in communion with the head and members of the college, whether individually or joined together in conferences of bishops or in particular councils, do not possess infallibility in teaching, they are authentic teachers and instructors of the faith for the Christian faithful entrusted to their care; the Christian faithful are bound to adhere with religious submission of mind to the authentic magisterium of their bishops.
754 條 - 所有信友都有義務遵守教會合法權力所規定的,有關 闡明教義和糾正錯謬意見的憲章和法令,特別是教宗或是世界主 教團所頒佈的。
Can. 754 All the Christian faithful are obliged to observe the constitutions and decrees which the legitimate authority of the Church issues in order to propose doctrine and to proscribe erroneous opinions, particularly those which the Roman Pontiff or the college of bishops puts forth.
2014年6月12日 星期四
迫害我的人有些像這個 Those People Persecute Me A Bit Like This “全能神滲透新疆兵團 兩邪教成員被拘”
迫害我的人有些像這個 Those People Persecute Me A Bit Like This “全能神滲透新疆兵團 兩邪教成員被拘”
信仰李澤諧?Richard Li Tzar Kai Believer?
信仰李嘉誠?Sir Ka-shing Li Believer?
信仰黑社會?Gangland Believer?
信仰淫穢、暴力?Obscene & Violence Believer?
信仰窮些小、辛苦些小是天主的上司和審判者?Poor A Bit Hard A Bit Is Supervisor Of God And Judge Believer?
全能神滲透新疆兵團 兩邪教成員被拘
2014年06月11日 上午11:51
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