2014年5月31日 星期六

偷窺女子私隱 Voyeur Female Privacy = 沒有守好第九誡 Haven’t Observe 9th Commandment = 沒有聖母許諾聖衣特恩 Haven’t Mary’s Promise To Release From Purgatory (Scapular)?

Ever Like That, Not Sure If Now Still Like That Or Not

Voyeur Female Privacy
Haven’t Observe 9th Commandment
Haven’t Mary’s Promise To Release From Purgatory (Scapular)?


Brown Scapular 聖母聖衣
Observe Chastity 守潔德
(6th & 9th Commandments? 第六誡和第九誡?)
Rosary 玫瑰經
Mary’s Promise To Release From Purgatory (Scapular)






暴力地對待女性私隱 Violence To Female Privacy = 沒法實行救主慈悲敬禮? Reject For Entreating Divine Mercy? 沒有聖母特恩? No Special Promise Of Blessed Virgin Mary?

求助: 自2007年被偷窺公開私隱 (Now TV?)
Ask For Help: Since 2007 Be Voyeur & Made Public Privacy (Now TV?)
(新聞稿 Press Release)


[聖人Saint] 聖女貞德 St.Joan Of Arc (曾被意圖強姦 Ever Be Intent To Rape)


Persecute The Little One Who Are Lord Jesus Christ’s Brothers And Sisters, Go To Hell? 迫害主耶穌基督的最小兄弟姐妹,下地獄?



Scapular 加爾默羅聖母聖衣簡介



The Scapular is 'Mary's Mantle.' made of wool, and MUST be worn over the shoulders so that one piece falls in front, the other in the back. Each time the Scapular is kissed with devotion, 500 days indulgence is granted to those in the state of grace. The Scapular Medal was created only for those who would suffer grave inconvenience in wearing the cloth and the indulgence of 500 days does NOT apply to the Medal. To obtain the graces and promise of the Scapular, it must be worn constantly. It should be worn day and night in sickness and in health.

When the Scapular is worn-out, being a sacred object, it should not be thrown in the regular garbage but should be burned or buried.

The Sabbatine Privilege consists of Our Lady's promise to release from Purgatory, through her special intercession, on the first Saturday after their death, those who meet these three requirements:

(1) You must wear the Scapular;

(2) You must observe chastity according to your state of life;

(3) You must recite daily the Little Office of Our Blessed Mother. (The Rosary or some other pious work may be substituted for the Office. ALL CONFESSORS were given faculty to make this substitution by Pope Leo XIII in June of 1901.

(三) 佩帶聖衣的益處

A. 聖母的三個許諾
1. 永遠得救的保證。
2. 迅速救出煉獄
3. 靈魂肉身在現世危險中,恆常獲得聖母瑪利亞的助祐。

B. 聖教會特訂恩典

1. 聖衣是聖儀的一種

2. 聖教會制定正式祈禱經文和禮節,向教友授予聖衣,並把領了聖衣的信友,正式奉獻與聖母,托庇於聖母的護祐之下。

3. 信友佩帶聖衣,能獲得聖教會頒佈的許多全大赦和限大赦的特恩。

C. 分享聖衣會的神恩
1. 領了棕色聖衣的人,就是精神加盟加爾默羅聖母聖衣會。
2. 凡佩帶聖衣的人,生前死後都能分享全世界加爾默羅聖母聖衣會的祈禱、工作和其他一切神恩。

D. 非教友所得的恩寵

E. 其他益處

1. 教宗若望二十二世

2. 教宗本篤十五世

3. 教宗比約十二世

4. 教宗良十三世

(四) 獲得所許神恩的條件

1. 由神父手中領受聖衣,加入加爾默羅聖衣善會。
2. 日夜佩帶聖衣,特別在臨終時。
3. 唸聖母小日課(玫瑰經、或其他的善工能夠替代聖母小日課)。教宗良十三世在一九零一年六月於聖赦部的法令上,給予所有聽告解的神父核准這種改變〔善工〕的特許。
4. 按各人的身份守潔德,就是守好第六誡和第九誡。



3. 脫離海難

另一經得起重述的聖衣故事發生在一八四五年。在那年的夏季末期,英國船「海洋之王」號在巨烈狂風中。一時風與海浪衝激船身,牧師同自己的妻兒老小和旅客,掙扎到甲板上,祈禱上帝的仁慈與寬恕,好像生命的末日就要來到了。在全體船客中有一位年輕的愛爾蘭人,名叫若望.麥考利夫,他看到情形的危急,於是打開襯衣,拿出聖衣來,用它在澎湃的浪潮上劃了一個十字聖號,把它投到海洋中。就在那時,風就平息了。只有另一波浪清洗甲板,浪濤把聖衣沖上來,沖到那孩子的腳下。這整個時間牧師(斐舍Mr. Fisher)細心地觀望麥可利夫的行動以及這些行動的奇蹟後果。他詢問年輕人,談論起聖母和她的聖衣。斐舍和他的家人深受感動,於是全家照可能儘早進入天主教會,分享聖母聖衣的同樣保護。


1. 《加爾默羅聖母聖衣簡介(附祝聖和佩帶聖衣簡單儀式)》,天主教嘉爾默羅聖母聖衣會。
2. 《聖母恩寵聖衣》,傅文輝譯,慈幼出版社。
3. “Brown Scapular: Safeguard Against Temptation”, Two Hearts Media Organization, 1991.




聖經 (天主教思高聖經)









You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or his manservant, or his maidservant, or his ox, or his ass, or anything that is your neighbor's.299

Every one who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.300





2520 Baptism confers on its recipient the grace of purification from all sins. But the baptized must continue to struggle against concupiscence of the flesh and disordered desires. With God's grace he will prevail

- by the virtue and gift of chastity, for chastity lets us love with upright and undivided heart;

- by purity of intention which consists in seeking the true end of man: with simplicity of vision, the baptized person seeks to find and to fulfill God's will in everything;313

- by purity of vision, external and internal; by discipline of feelings and imagination; by refusing all complicity in impure thoughts that incline us to turn aside from the path of God's commandments: "Appearance arouses yearning in fools";314

- by prayer:

I thought that continence arose from one's own powers, which I did not recognize in myself. I was foolish enough not to know . . . that no one can be continent unless you grant it. For you would surely have granted it if my inner groaning had reached your ears and I with firm faith had cast my cares on you.315

2521 Purity requires modesty, an integral part of temperance. Modesty protects the intimate center of the person. It means refusing to unveil what should remain hidden. It is ordered to chastity to whose sensitivity it bears witness. It guides how one looks at others and behaves toward them in conformity with the dignity of persons and their solidarity.

2522 Modesty protects the mystery of persons and their love. It encourages patience and moderation in loving relationships; it requires that the conditions for the definitive giving and commitment of man and woman to one another be fulfilled. Modesty is decency. It inspires one's choice of clothing. It keeps silence or reserve where there is evident risk of unhealthy curiosity. It is discreet.

2523 There is a modesty of the feelings as well as of the body. It protests, for example, against the voyeuristic explorations of the human body in certain advertisements, or against the solicitations of certain media that go too far in the exhibition of intimate things. Modesty inspires a way of life which makes it possible to resist the allurements of fashion and the pressures of prevailing ideologies.

2524 The forms taken by modesty vary from one culture to another. Everywhere, however, modesty exists as an intuition of the spiritual dignity proper to man. It is born with the awakening consciousness of being a subject. Teaching modesty to children and adolescents means awakening in them respect for the human person.

2525 Christian purity requires a purification of the social climate. It requires of the communications media that their presentations show concern for respect and restraint. Purity of heart brings freedom from widespread eroticism and avoids entertainment inclined to voyeurism and illusion.

2526 So called moral permissiveness rests on an erroneous conception of human freedom; the necessary precondition for the development of true freedom is to let oneself be educated in the moral law. Those in charge of education can reasonably be expected to give young people instruction respectful of the truth, the qualities of the heart, and the moral and spiritual dignity of man.

2527 "The Good News of Christ continually renews the life and culture of fallen man; it combats and removes the error and evil which flow from the ever-present attraction of sin. It never ceases to purify and elevate the morality of peoples. It takes the spiritual qualities and endowments of every age and nation, and with supernatural riches it causes them to blossom, as it were, from within; it fortifies, completes, and restores them in Christ."316
















2528 "Everyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart" (Mt 5:28).

2529 The ninth commandment warns against lust or carnal concupiscence.

2530 The struggle against carnal lust involves purifying the heart and practicing temperance.

2531 Purity of heart will enable us to see God: it enables us even now to see things according to God.

2532 Purification of the heart demands prayer, the practice of chastity, purity of intention and of vision.

2533 Purity of heart requires the modesty which is patience, decency, and discretion. Modesty protects the intimate center of the person








2014年5月28日 星期三

閃電雷雨,像意圖射死我,大聲說什麽 Lightning Thunderstorm, Like Want To Kill Me By Lightning, Speak Loudly What

Lightning Thunderstorm, Like Want To Kill Me By Lightning, Speak Loudly What








不記得是否湯漢樞機什麽,仁愛之家修女什麽,李嘉誠什麼,李澤楷什麼, Now TV 什麼的

郭若娜 Kwok Yeuk Na Maria 寫於2014年5月28日晚上



閃電雷雨是 Now TV? That Lightning Thunderstorm Was Now TV?


有位女子在我家附近說 (這幾天內的某天),我之前說的閃電雷雨是 Now TV 來的, 也不知道是不是

One female said near my home (one day within these few days), what I said the lightning thunderstorm was Now TV, don’t know if that right or not



Previously misunderstood that lightning thunderstorm was guidance from Heaven, so followed a bit, for example, didn’t walk along the building of Christian, went to St Anthony Church, went to Yuen Long to rent room to live, etc


I think I no need to totally same as when the Catholic Church just established, now already third millennium

勝利之后聖母 / 進教之佑聖母 Mary Help of Christians

勝利之后聖母 / 進教之佑聖母 Mary Help of Christians


梵二大公會議的文獻中說 :「 ……聖母瑪利亞升天以後,她在救恩中的角色從未中止過,她以一再的轉求,繼續為我們獲取永生的恩惠。她的慈母身份延續到她聖子『尚在人生旅途上被危險和困險包圍』的兄弟姊妹們身上,直到他們被引進幸福的天鄉。因此在教會內,人呼求榮福童貞為辯護者、輔助者、求急者、中保。不過,須肯定這樣稱呼聖母,對基督唯一中保的尊嚴和能力,並無任何增損。」( 參閱《教會憲章》62 ) 教宗保祿六世於梵二大公會議後,以宗座名義發表了一篇訓辭,宣稱聖母瑪利亞為「教會之母」,並說明:此即教會中的牧人與信徒的母親。


1572 年,當土耳其企圖闖入歐洲時,義勇的十字軍依恃童貞聖母的助佑,於萊濱多海戰中,大破土耳其的艦隊,榮奏凱歌。教宗庇護五世為紀念這光榮的勝利,欽定了勝利之后聖母瞻禮。

後來,在 1682 年,至聖童貞又解救了維也納城的信友,擊退了土耳其軍隊。為了感謝聖母的洪恩,教宗依諾增爵十二世批准成立聖母進教之佑善會。最後在 1814 年 5 月24 日 ,教宗庇護七世排除了拿破崙強權的壓迫,結束長期的漂流生活,榮歸羅馬。為了感謝聖母的助佑,他欽定了 5 月 24 日為聖母進教之佑瞻禮,永作紀念,而他本人亦常以進教之佑的尊號來呼求聖母。


The Feast of Mary Help of Christians is celebrated on May 24.

The tradition of this advocation goes back to 1571, when  the whole of Christendom was saved by Mary Help of Christians when Catholics throughout Europe prayed the Rosary. The great battle of Lepanto occurred on October 7th 1571. For this reason this date has been chosen as the feast of the Holy Rosary. In 1573 Pope Pius V instituted the feast in thanksgiving for the decisive victory of Christianity over Islamism.

Near the end of the 17th century, Emperor Leopold I of Austria took refuge in the Shrine of Mary Help of Christians at Pasau, when 200,000 Ottoman Turks besieged the capital city of Vienna, but a  great victory occurred thanks to Mary Help of Christians: on September 8th, Feast of Our Lady's Birthday, plans were drawn for the battle. On September 12, Feast of the Holy Name of Mary, Vienna was finally freed through the intercession of Mary Help of Christians. All Europe had joined with the Emperor crying out "Mary, Help!" and praying the Holy rosary.

In 1809, Napoleon's men entered the Vatican, arrested Pius VII and brought him in chains to Grenoble, and eventually Fontainbleau. His imprisonment lasted five years. The Holy Father vowed to God that , if he were restored to the Roman See, he would institute a special feast in honor of Mary. Military reverses forced Napoleon to release the Pope, and on May 24th  1814, Pius VII returned in triumph to Rome. Twelve months later, the Pope decreed that the feast of Mary Help of Christians, be kept on the 24th of May.

2014年5月27日 星期二

收集 Collection - 拜苦路 Way of Cross

收集 Collection - 拜苦路 Way of Cross



逾 越 之 旅




網路拜苦路 - 耶穌會中華省


Hour of Mercy (Three O’clock) 慈悲時刻 (每天三時正)

At three o'clock, implore My mercy, especially for sinners; and, if only for a brief moment, immerse yourself in My Passion, particularly in My abandonment at the moment of agony. This is the hour of great mercy. .. In this hour I will refuse nothing to the soul that makes a request of Me in virtue of My Passion (1320).

As often as you hear the clock strike the third hour, immerse yourself completely in My mercy, adoring and glorifying it; invoke its omnipotence for the whole world, and particularly for poor sinners; for at that moment mercy was opened wide for every soul. In this hour you can obtain everything for yourself and for others for the asking; it was the hour of grace for the whole world - mercy triumphed over justice. (1572)

My daughter, try your best to make the Stations of the Cross in this hour, provided that your duties permit it; and if you are not able to make the Stations of the Cross, then at least step into the chapel for a moment and adore, in the Most Blessed Sacrament, My Heart, which is full of mercy; and should you be unable to step into chapel, immerse yourself in prayer there where you happen to be, if only for a very brief instand (1572).

「每當三時正的鐘聲響起,你應把自己完全沉浸在我的仁慈之中,欽崇並光榮我的慈悲, 為世界,特別是可憐的罪人祈求全能的仁慈,因為這是我廣施慈愛的時刻。」( 1320 )

耶穌希望每天三時正,他在十字架上的聖死都會得到恭敬。 他表示,為整個世界來說,這是充滿恩寵的時辰,仁慈會凌駕公義之上。( 1572 )他希望我們在這個小時內默想他的悲慘苦難,因為他所受的苦難清晰地顯示了天主對他的子民的慈愛。耶穌希望我們在這時候朝拜和光榮天主的仁慈,並藉著他苦難的功勞,為我們自己和整個世界,尤其是 罪人,祈求必需的恩寵。

耶穌教導傅天娜修女說:「你要盡力在這個小時內拜苦路,但要你本份容許。如果你沒法拜苦路,最少也要走進聖堂逗留片刻,在至聖聖體前,朝拜我滿載仁慈的聖心。即使你沒法走進聖堂,那麼在你身處的地方,把自己沉浸在祈禱之中吧,即使只有片刻也足夠了。 」( 1572 )

耶穌許諾說,在這個小時內,「你可以為自己和其他人求得一切。」( 1572 )「我不會拒絕因我的苦難向我求恩的人。」( 1320 )








聖經 (天主教思高聖經)


2014年5月26日 星期一

聖經 Sacred Scripture (信仰寶庫 the depositum fidei) 若望福音 John (我對你殿宇所懷的熱忱,把我耗盡 Zeal for your House devours me as a fire)

聖經 Sacred Scripture (信仰寶庫 the depositum fidei)

若望福音 John

(我對你殿宇所懷的熱忱,把我耗盡 Zeal for your House devours me as a fire)


聖經 (天主教思高聖經)

若望福音 John

Chapter 2

13猶太人的逾越節近了,耶穌便上了耶路撒冷。 13As the Passover of the Jews was at hand, Jesus went up to Jerusalem.
14在殿院裡,他發見了賣牛、羊、鴿子的,和坐在錢莊上兌換銀錢的人, 14In the Temple court he found merchants selling oxen, sheep and doves, and money-changers seated at their tables.
15就用繩索做了一條鞭子,把眾人連羊帶牛,從殿院都趕出去,傾倒了換錢者的銀錢,推翻了他們的桌子; 15Making a whip of cords, he drove them all out of the Temple court, together with the oxen and sheep. He knocked over the tables of the money-changers, scattering the coins,
16給賣鴿子的人說:「把這些東西從這裡拿出去,不要使我父的殿宇成為商場。」 16and ordered the people selling doves, "Take all this away and stop turning my Father's house into a marketplace!"
17他的門徒就想起了經上記載的:『我對你殿宇所懷的熱忱,把我耗盡』的話。 17His disciples recalled the words of Scripture: Zeal for your House devours me as a fire.
18猶太人便追問他說:「你給我們顯什麼神跡,證明你有權柄作這些事?」 18The Jews then questioned Jesus, "Where are the miraculous signs which give you the right to do this?"
19耶穌回答他們說:「你們拆毀這座聖殿,三天之內,我要把它重建起來。」 19And Jesus said, "Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up."
20猶太人就說:「這座聖殿建築了四十六年,你在三天之內就會重建起它來嗎?」 20The Jews then replied, "The building of this temple has already taken forty-six years, and you will raise it up in three days?"
21但耶穌所提的聖所,是指他自己的身體。 21Actually, Jesus was referring to the temple of his body.
22所以,當他從死者中復活以後,他的門徒就想起了他曾說過這話,便相信了聖經和耶穌說過的話。 22Only when he had risen from the dead did his disciples remember these words; then they believed both the Scripture and the words Jesus had spoken.

聖經 Sacred Scripture (信仰寶庫 the depositum fidei) 若望默示錄 Revelation (我的百姓,你們從她中間出來罷!Depart from her, my people)

聖經 Sacred Scripture (信仰寶庫 the depositum fidei)

若望默示錄 Revelation

(我的百姓,你們從她中間出來罷!Depart from her, my people)


聖經 (天主教思高聖經)

Chapter 18

4我又聽到了另一個聲音從天上說:「我的百姓,你們從她中間出來罷!免得你們分沾她的罪惡,也免得遭受她的災禍, 4Then I heard another voice from heaven: "Depart from her, my people, lest you share in her evil and so share in her punishments;

5因為她的罪惡已堆積得直達上天,使天主想起了她的不義。 5for her sins are piled up to heaven, and God keeps count of her crimes.
6她怎樣虐待了人,你們也該怎樣虐待她,並按照她所行的,要加倍報復她;她用什麼杯斟給人,你們也要用什麼杯加斟給她; 6Give back to her as she has given, pay her twice for what she has done. Let her drink a double portion of what she made others do.
7她以前怎樣自誇自耀,奢侈享樂,你們也就怎樣加給她痛苦與哀傷:因為她心裡說過:「我坐著當皇后,而不是寡婦,必見不到哀傷。」 7Give her as much torment and grief as the wantonness she enjoyed herself. For she said to herself, 'I sit as queen, I am not a widow, never will I go into mourning!'
8為此,一日之內,她的災禍:瘟疫、哀傷和饑荒全都來到;她要被火焚燒,因為懲治她的上主天主,是強而有力的。」 8And so, suddenly, her plagues will come - death, mourning and famine. She will be consumed by fire, for mighty is the Lord, the judge, who has passed sentence on her."
9當時那些曾同她行過邪淫,和享過快樂的地上諸王,看到焚燒她的煙,都要為她流淚哀悼。 9The kings who shared her luxury and committed adultery with her will see the smoke as she burns, and they will weep and lament.
10他們因害怕她受的痛苦,就遠遠站著說:「可憐,可憐!你這座偉大的城,這座強盛的巴比倫城!在一小時之內,你就受到了懲罰。」 10They will nevertheless keep their distance, terrified at her punishment, and exclaim: "Alas, alas! Great city that you are, O Babylon, seat of power! Your doom has come in a single hour!"

[先知Prophet] 厄里亞先知 Elijah the Prophet (我為上主萬軍的天主憂心如焚 zelo zelatus sum pro Domino Deo exercituum)

[先知Prophet] 厄里亞先知 Elijah the Prophet 

(我為上主萬軍的天主憂心如焚 zelo zelatus sum pro Domino Deo exercituum)



(zelo zelatus sum pro Domino Deo exercituum-聖衣會座右銘)。

 Elijah’s statue always has a pair of bright piercing eyes, a stern look, a raised arm with a fiery sword,

bearing the motto “zelo zelatus sum pro Domino Deo exercituum” (from the Carmelites, cf 1 K 19:10,14).



中文 / English




聖經 Sacred Scripture (信仰寶庫 the depositum fidei)

1 Kings 列王紀(上) 

(雅威是天主,雅威是天主! Yahweh is God! Yahweh is God!)


聖經 (天主教思高聖經)

Chapter 18

18厄里亞答說:「不是我叫以色列遭難,而是你和你的父家,因為你們拋棄了上主的誡命,歸順了巴耳邪神。 18Elijah replied, "Who is troubling Israel? Isn't it you and your family who have disobeyed the commands of Yahweh and followed instead the Baals?
19現在,你派人去召集全以色列人,同受依則貝耳供養的那四百五十個巴耳的先知,【及那四百個阿舍辣的先知,】上加爾默耳山,到我跟前來。」 19Now, therefore, give an order for the Israelites to gather before me at Mount Carmel, together with the four hundred and fifty prophets of Baal who are sustained by Jezebel."
20阿哈布便派人召集了所有的以色列子民,聚集了那些先知,一起到了加爾默耳山上。 20So Ahab sent for all the people of Israel and gathered the prophets at Mount Carmel.
21厄里亞走向全體民眾面前說:「你們搖擺不定,模稜兩可,要到幾時呢?如果上主是天主,你們就應該隨從上主;如果巴耳是天主,就該隨從巴耳。」人民一句話也不回答。 21Then Elijah ad-dressed the people and asked, "How long will you follow two ways at the same time? If Yahweh is God, follow him; but if Baal is God then follow him." The people remained silent.
22厄里亞對人民說:「上主的先知只剩下我一個人了,巴耳的先知卻有四百五十人。 22So Elijah continued, "I am the only prophet of Yahweh left here to face Baal's four hundred and fifty prophets.
23請給我們牽兩隻公牛犢來;他們可任選一隻,剖分成塊,放在木柴上,不要點火;我也照樣預備另一隻,放在木柴上,也不點火。 23Get us two bulls. Let them choose one bull for themselves, cut it into pieces and lay it on the wood and I will do the same with the other bull. But we will not set it on fire.
24你們呼求你們神的名字,我也呼求上主的名字:那降火顯示應允的神,就是真神。」民眾回答說:「你這話說得很好!」 24Then you shall call on the name of your god while I shall call on the name of Yahweh. The God who answers with fire is the true one." Then the people answered, "That is right."
25厄里亞對巴耳的先知們說:「因為你們人數眾多,你們該先挑選一隻牛犢,準備好,然後呼求你們神的名字,只是不要點火。」 25Then Elijah told the prophets of Baal, "Choose for yourselves one bull and prepare it first, for you are many. Then call on the name of your god lest you are left without fire!"
26他們即將人給他們的公牛犢牽來,預備好,從早晨直到中午呼求巴耳的名字說:「巴耳,應允我們罷!」但是沒有聲音,也沒有答應的。他們就在自己所築的祭壇旁,跪下又起來,跳個不停。 26So they took the bull and prepared it, and they called on the name of Baal, "Baal, answer us!" But there was no voice and no one answered them while they went on dancing on one foot around the altar they had built.
27到了中午,厄里亞嘲弄他們說:「你們再高聲喊叫,因為他是神,或者他正在沉思冥想,或者他暫時隱退,或者正在外旅行,或者他正在睡覺,必須把他叫醒。」 27By noontime, Elijah began to mock them, "Shout out louder. Baal is a busy god; or he may have gone out or perhaps he has gone on a trip, or he is sleeping and must be wakened."
28他們遂更高聲喊叫,照他們的習慣,用刀用槍割傷自己,直到全身流出血來。 28So they shouted louder gashing their skin with knives, as they are used to doing, until they bled.
29過了中午,他們仍繼續狂喊亂叫,直到晚祭的時候,但仍然沒有聲音,也沒有答應的,也沒有理會的。 29It was already past noon and they were still raving on until the time of the evening offering. But still there was no voice; no one answered or gave a sign of life.
30厄里亞對全體人民說:「你們到我這邊來。」全體人民便都到他那邊去;厄里亞立即重修了已經坍塌了的上主的祭壇; 30Then Elijah said to the people, "Draw closer to me," and the people drew closer to him. He then repaired the altar of Yahweh which had been thrown down.
31依照雅各伯子孫的支派數目,取了十二塊石頭,──這雅各伯就是上主曾對他說過:「你的名字要叫以色列。」── 31He took twelve stones corresponding to the number of tribes of the sons of Jacob whom Yahweh had addressed saying, "Israel shall be your name."
32用這些石頭,為上主的名築成一座祭壇,在祭壇四周作了一個水溝,可容二『色阿』穀種。 32With these stones, he built an altar to the Name of Yahweh and dug a trench around it that would contain about thirty liters.
33把木柴放好,將牛犢剖分成塊,放在木柴上, 33He then arranged the firewood, cut the bull in pieces and laid them on the wood. Then, he said, "Fill four jars with water and pour it on the burnt offering and on the firewood."
34然後吩咐說:「盛滿四桶水,倒在全燔祭和木柴上!」他們就這樣做了。他又吩咐說:「再倒一次!」他們就再倒了一次;他再吩咐說:「倒第三次!」他們就倒了第三次; 34He said, "Do it again"; and they did it again; "one more time," and they did it a third time.
35水沿祭壇四周奔流,溝裡滿了水。 35The water ran around the altar and filled the trench.
36到了要奉獻晚祭的時候,厄里亞先知走近前來說:「上主,亞巴郎、依撒格和以色列的天主,求你今天使人知道:你是以色列的天主,我是你的僕人,是奉你的命作這一切事。 36When the time of the evening offering came, Elijah the prophet came near and said, "O Yahweh, God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel, let it be known today that you are God in Israel and that I am your servant, doing all these things at your command.
37上主,求你應允我,應允我!使這人民知道你上主,是真天主,是你叫他們心回意轉。」 37Answer me, O Yahweh, answer me so that this people may know that you, O Yahweh, are God and that you are turning back their hearts to you."
38於是上主的火降下,焚盡了全燔祭、柴木、石頭和塵土,也燒乾了溝中的水。 38Then the fire of Yahweh fell and consumed the burnt offering, together with the wood, the stones also, and the dust; the water also dried up in the trench.
39全體人民見了,都俯伏在地說:「雅威是天主,雅威是天主!」 39All the people witnessed this. Then they fell on their faces and said, "Yahweh is God! Yahweh is God!"
40厄里亞對民眾說:「你們捉住巴耳的先知,不要讓他們走脫一個!」民眾立即捉住他們。厄里亞帶他們下到克雄小河旁,在那裡將他們全部殺掉。 40Then Elijah commanded them, "Seize the prophets of Baal and let none of them escape." And so they seized them. Then Elijah brought them down to the brook Kidron and had them slaughtered there.

Blessed Mother Teresa & Way Of Cross 真福德蘭修女與拜苦路 (Related To My Case 有關我的事)

Blessed Mother Teresa & Way Of Cross 真福德蘭修女與拜苦路 (Related To My Case 有關我的事)

I think my case of violently treat my privacy, a bit like this

Blessed Mother Teresa & Way Of Cross

書名: 默觀德肋撒姆姆的精神拜苦路
出版社: 上智出版社

第二處   耶穌背起十字架

領: 耶穌基督,我們欽崇祢,讚美祢!
答: 因為祢藉十字聖架救贖了普世。

聖經: 若十九 17

若望福音 John
Chapter 19

17耶穌自己背著十字架出來,到了一個名叫「髑髏」的地方,希伯來話叫「哥耳哥達」, 17Bearing his own cross, Jesus went out of the city to what is called the Place of the Skull, in Hebrew: Golgotha.



領: 真福德肋撒姆姆,世上所有窮困者及受苦之人的母親,請為我們轉求。
答: 阿們。
領: 上主,求祢垂憐。
答: 求祢垂憐我們。

[聖人Saint] 聖猶達‧達德 St. Jude of Thaddaeus (絕望處境的主保 Patron of difficult cases, of things almost despaired of)

[聖人Saint] 聖猶達‧達德 St. Jude of Thaddaeus

(絕望處境的主保 Patron of difficult cases, of things almost despaired of)

聖猶達‧達德 St. Jude of Thaddaeus





Patron of difficult cases, of things almost despaired of



Novena To St. Jude


[聖人Saint] 聖女貞德 Jeanne d'Arc (Patronage 主保: captives; people ridiculed for their piety; prisoners; 俘虜; 虔誠信仰而遭嘲笑的人;囚犯;強姦受害者)

[聖人Saint] 聖女貞德 Jeanne d'Arc

(Patronage 主保: captives; people ridiculed for their piety; prisoners; 俘虜; 虔誠信仰而遭嘲笑的人;囚犯;強姦受害者)

Patronage 主保

France Coat of Arms of Jeanne d'Arc.svg; martyrs; captives; military personnel; people ridiculed for their piety; prisoners; soldiers, women who have served in the WAVES (Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service); and Women's Army Corps





[聖人Saint] 聖女貞德 St.Joan Of Arc (曾被意圖強姦 Ever Be Intent To Rape)


2014年5月24日 星期六

聖經 Sacred Scripture (信仰寶庫 the depositum fidei) 伯多祿前書 1 Peter (萬事結局已臨近 The End Near)

聖經 Sacred Scripture (信仰寶庫 the depositum fidei)

伯多祿前書 1 Peter (萬事結局已臨近 The End Near)


聖經 (天主教思高聖經)

Chapter 4

違法的偶像崇拜 worship of idols

3過去的時候,你們實行外教人的慾望,生活在放蕩、情慾、酗酒、宴樂、狂飲和違法的偶像崇拜中,這已經夠了! 3You have given enough time, in the past, to living as the pagans do: a life of excess, evil passions, drunkenness, orgies and worship of idols.
4由於你們不再同他們狂奔於淫蕩的洪流中,他們便引以為怪,遂誹謗你們; 4They now find it strange that you are no longer swept along with them in this ruinous flood, and they misinterpret it.
5但他們要向那已準備審判生死者的主交賬。 5But they will be accountable to the one who is ready to judge the living and the dead.
6也正是為此,給死者宣講了這福音:他們雖然肉身方面如同人一樣受了懲罰,可是神魂方面卻同天主一起生活。 6The Gospel has been preached to many who are now dead. As humans they received a deadly sentence, but through the Spirit they shall live for God.

審判必從天主的家開始 judgment begins with God's household

7萬事的結局已臨近了,所以你們應該慎重,應該醒寤祈禱。 7The end of all things is near; live wisely and spend evening time praying.
8最重要的是:你們應該彼此熱切相愛,因為愛德遮蓋許多罪過; 8Above all, let your love for one another be sincere, for love covers a multitude of sins.
9要彼此款待,而不出怨言。 9Welcome one another into your houses without complaining.
10各人應依照自己所領受的神恩,彼此服事,善做天主各種恩寵的管理員。 10Serve one another with the gifts each of you received, thus becoming good managers of the varied graces of God.
11誰若講道,就該按天主的話講;誰若服事,就該本著天主所賜的德能服事,好叫天主在一切事上,因耶穌基督而受到光榮:願光榮和權能歸於他,至於無窮之世。阿們。 11If you speak, deliver the word of God; if you have a special ministry, let it be seen as God's power so that, in everything, God may be glorified in Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and power forever and ever. Amen.
12親愛的,你們不要因為在你們中,有試探你們的烈火而驚異,好像遭遇了一件新奇的事; 12My dear people, do not be surprised that you are being tested by fire. It is not an unusual occurrence.
13反而要喜歡,因為分受了基督的苦難,這樣好使你們在他光榮顯現的時候,也能歡喜踴躍。 13Instead, you should be glad to share in the sufferings of Christ because, on the day his Glory is revealed, you will also fully rejoice.
14如果你們為了基督的名字,受人辱罵,便是有福的,因為光榮的神,即天主的神,就安息在你們身上。 14You are fortunate if you are insulted because of the name of Christ, for the Spirit of glory rests on you.
15惟願你們中誰也不要因做兇手,或強盜,或壞人,或做煽亂的人而受苦。 15I suppose that none of you should suffer for being a murderer, a thief, a criminal or an informer;
16但若因為是基督徒而受苦,就不該以此為恥,反要為這名稱光榮天主, 16but if anyone suffers on account of being a Christian, do not consider it a disgrace; rather let this name bring glory to God.
17因為時候已經到了,審判必從天主的家開始;如果先從我們開始,那些不信從天主福音者的結局,又將怎樣呢? 17The time of judgment has come and it begins with God's household. If its beginning so affects us, what will be the end of those who refuse to believe in the Gospel?
18『如果義人還難以得救,那麼惡人和罪人,要有什麼結果呢?』 18If the just one is barely saved, what will happen to the sinner and unbeliever?
19故此,凡照天主旨意受苦的人,也要把自己的靈魂託付給忠信的造物主,專務行善。 19So, then, if you suffer according to God's will, entrust yourself to the faithful Creator and continue to do good.

13與你們一同被選的巴比倫教會問候你們;我兒馬爾谷也問候你們。 13Greetings from the community in Babylon, gathered by God, and from my son, Mark.


聖經 Sacred Scripture (信仰寶庫 the depositum fidei) 2 Peter 伯多祿後書 C2&3


聖經 Sacred Scripture (信仰寶庫 the depositum fidei) 服從天主 Obedience to God


聖經 Sacred Scripture (信仰寶庫 the depositum fidei) 遵守天主的誡命,堅持對耶穌的信德 Keep Commandments of God & Faith In Jesus


聖經 Sacred Scripture (信仰寶庫 the depositum fidei) 若望默示錄 Revelation (新耶路撒冷聖城與權力架構 New Jerusalem & Power Structure)


聖伯多祿與聖保祿 STS. PETER AND PAUL(d. 64 & 67)

聖伯多祿與聖保祿 (d. 64 & 67)




[猜測 Guess] 若望默示錄 Revelation: 兩位證人 Two Witnesses 聖伯多祿, 聖保祿 St Peter & St Paul? 11章Chapter 救主慈悲 Divine Mercy? 12章Chapter 聖母 Blessed Virgin Mary?


I Have Vocation Before? Related To Revelation? 我之前有聖召? 與若望默示錄有關?

I Have Vocation Before? Related To Revelation?
我之前有聖召? 與若望默示錄有關?

修改 Revised on 5 Jun 2014 (Date: 13 Apr 2014) Press Release 新聞稿 / Letter For Help 求助信


按公義補償予我 Base On Justice Compensate To Me: 在我家附近,偷窺公開我在家的私隱的人 Those people near my home, voyeur & make public the privacy of my home


[聖人Saint] 黑奴聖女柏姬達 BAKHITA-il cuore ci martellava nel petto


[聖人Saint] 聖女貞德 St.Joan Of Arc (曾被意圖強姦 Ever Be Intent To Rape)


Saint Tomas Aquino《聖多瑪斯傳》貞潔的考驗


[聖人Saint] 聖女羅撒 (當時有不公平的現象,欺騙和虐待當地印地安人和黑人)


[聖人Saint] 聖女加大利納.德雷克塞爾(貞女) St. Katharine Drexel (把全部精力放在了當時深受美國社會排斥的北美印第安人和美國黑人身上)


Persecute The Little One Who Are Lord Jesus Christ’s Brothers And Sisters, Go To Hell? 迫害主耶穌基督的最小兄弟姐妹,下地獄?


Thing I Undergone 我遇到的事 - May 2012

Mary Help Of Christians Novena 聖母進教之佑九日敬禮

(Children With Catholic Belief Received Bribe, Cannot Hear Special Voice After Mary Help Of Christians Novena?
Goods Of Chinese Traditional Superstitious Custom Should Be Discarded?

- In May 2012, I lived in Home Of Love, every morning went Mass, and every afternoon went St. Lawrence's Church for Eucharistic adoration one hour from 3pm to 4pm Divine Mercy time.  One day, picked some prayer leaflets of Mary Help Of Christians, and put some in Home Of Love to share
One day, I blamed a child wasting water, I that night prayed Mary Help Of Christians Novenas in Home of Love, at night during sleeping, I heard female voice with that child, that child said ‘has ghost ah! 有鬼呀!’.  The female voice was come from the dinning room, I haven’t immediately went to the dinning room but just stayed on my bed, later, I went to dinning room, and I heard the female voice was in the corridor leaving the Home Of Love.
Later I asked some lived in there, all said haven’t heard that, only that child and me heard that, and, another child, his bigger brother, said only that child hasn’t received money from Richard Li Tzar Kai,
I then gave that child heard that voice with me the prayer leaflet of Mary Help Of Christians to share with him

I heard voice from Mary Help Of Christians?

Later I discovered that in that corridor, there had box inside had some dolls with Chinese word of good fortune ‘福’, but forgot if that was new placed in there or stored in there long
- Ever destroy a Chinese Traditional Lion Head (醒獅頭) inside Home Of Love
- Home of Love forced me to leave within daytime in June 2012
(that day I was in Yuen Long, first time visit Yuen Long Catholic Church: Ss Peter And Paul Church

聖經 Sacred Scripture (信仰寶庫 the depositum fidei)


聖經 (天主教思高聖經)

若望默示錄 Revelation

Chapter 12

17那條龍便對那女人大發忿怒,遂去與她其餘的後裔,即那些遵行天主的誡命,且為耶穌作證的人交戰; 17Then the dragon was furious with the woman and went off to wage war on the rest of her children, those who keep God's commandments and bear witness to Jesus.

Exodus 出谷紀

Chapter 22 第廿二章

21 - Thou shalt not molest a stranger, nor afflict him: for yourselves also were strangers in the land of Egypt.22 - You shall not hurt a widow or an orphan.23 - If you hurt them they will cry out to me, and I will hear their cry:24 - And my rage shall be enkindled, and I will strike you with the sword, and your wives shall be widows, and your children fatherless.
22:20 對外僑,不要苛待和壓迫,因為你們在埃及也曾僑居過。22:21 對任何寡婦和孤兒,不可苛待;22:22 若是苛待了一個,他若向我呼求,我必聽他的呼求,22:23 必要發怒,用刀殺死你們:這樣,你們的妻子也要成為寡婦,你們的兒子也要成為孤兒。

Chapter 23 第廿三章

1 - Thou shalt not receive the voice of a lie: neither shalt thou join thy hand to bear false witness for a wicked person.2 - Thou shalt not follow the multitude to do evil: neither shalt thou yield in judgment, to the opinion of the most part, to stray from the truth.3 - Neither shalt thou favour a poor man in judgment.4 - If thou meet thy enemy's ox or ass going astray, bring it back to him.5 - If thou see the ass of him that hateth thee lie underneath his burden, thou shalt not pass by, but shalt lift him up with him.6 - Thou shalt not go aside in the poor man's judgment.7 - Thou shalt fly lying. The innocent and just person thou shalt not put to death: because I abhor the wicked.8 - Neither shalt thou take bribes, which even blind the wise, and pervert the words of the just.
23:1 不可傳播謠言;不可與惡人攜手作假見證。23:2 不可隨從多數以附和惡事;在爭訟的事上,不可隨從多數說歪曲正義的話。23:3 在爭訟的事上,也不可偏袒弱小。23:4 假使你遇見你仇人的牛或驢迷了路,應給他領回去。23:5 假使你遇見你仇人的驢跌臥在重載下,不可棄而不顧,應幫助驢主卸下重載。23:6 你對窮人的訴訟,不可歪曲他的正義。23:7 作偽的案件,你應戒避。不可殺無辜和正義的人,因為我決不以惡人為義人。23:8 不可受賄賂,因為賄賂能使明眼人眼瞎,能顛倒正義者的言語。

Deuteronomy 申命紀

Chapter 7 第七章

25 The images of their gods you shall destroy by fire. Do not covet the silver or gold on them, nor take it for yourselves, lest you be ensnared by it; for it is an abomination to the LORD, your God.
26 You shall not bring any abominable thing into your house, lest you be doomed with it; loathe and abhor it utterly as a thing that is doomed.
7:25 你應將他們的神像,投在火中燒掉;不應貪圖神像上的金銀,而留為己有,免得陷於羅網,因為這於上主你的天主是可憎之物。7:26 可憎之物,不可帶進你屋內;免得你與那些東西一同毀滅;你應厭惡憎恨這一切,因為那是應毀滅之物。

Chapter 12 第十二章

2 Destroy without fail every place on the high mountains, on the hills, and under every leafy tree where the nations you are to dispossess worship their gods.
3 Tear down their altars, smash their sacred pillars, destroy by fire their sacred poles, and shatter the idols of their gods, that you may stamp out the remembrance of them in any such place.
12:2 凡你們去征服的民族供奉神祇的地方,無論在高山上,或在丘陵上,或在任何綠樹下,都應加以破壞:12:3 拆毀他們的祭壇,打碎他們的石碣,燒毀他們的神柱,砍倒他們神祇的雕像,將他們的名字由那地方完全消除。
29 "When the LORD, your God, removes the nations from your way as you advance to dispossess them, be on your guard! Otherwise, once they have been wiped out before you and you have replaced them and are settled in their land,
30 you will be lured into following them. Do not inquire regarding their gods, 'How did these nations worship their gods? I, too, would do the same.'
31 You shall not thus worship the LORD, your God, because they offered to their gods every abomination that the LORD detests, even burning their sons and daughters to their gods.
12:29 當上主你的天主,將你所要進佔之地的民族,由你面前剷除,而你佔領了他們的地方,住在那裡的時候,12:30 你應小心,不要在他們由你面前消滅以後,你自己反受迷惑,去仿傚他們;也不要探究他們的神說:「這些民族怎樣事奉了他們的神,我也要怎樣去做。」12:31 對上主你的天主,你不可這樣做,因為凡上主所憎恨的可惡之事,他們對自己的神都做了;甚至為自己的神,用火焚燒了自己的子女。

Chapter 13 第十三章

1 "Every command that I enjoin on you, you shall be careful to observe, neither adding to it nor subtracting from it.
2 "If there arises among you a prophet or a dreamer who promises you a sign or wonder,
3 urging you to follow other gods, whom you have not known, and to serve them: even though the sign or wonder he has foretold you comes to pass,
4 pay no attention to the words of that prophet or that dreamer; for the LORD, your God, is testing you to learn whether you really love him with all your heart and with all your soul.
5 The LORD, your God, shall you follow, and him shall you fear; his commandment shall you observe, and his voice shall you heed, serving him and holding fast to him alone.
6 But that prophet or that dreamer shall be put to death, because, in order to lead you astray from the way which the LORD, your God, has directed you to take, he has preached apostasy from the LORD, your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt and ransomed you from that place of slavery. Thus shall you purge the evil from your midst.
13:1 凡我吩咐你們的事,你們應謹慎遵行;不可加添,也不可刪除。13:2 若你們中出現了一位先知或作夢的人,給你提供一種神蹟或奇事,13:3 而他所說的神蹟和奇事實現了,以致向你說:「讓我們去隨從事奉其他的神罷!」而那神是你素不相識的;13:4 你不要聽從這先知或作夢者的話,因為上主你們的天主有意試探你們,願意知道你們是否全心全靈真愛上主你們的天主。13:5 你們只應跟隨上主你們的天主,只應敬畏他,遵守他的誡命,聽從他的話,事奉他。依靠他。13:6 至於這先知或作夢的人,應處死刑,因為他出言背叛了領你出埃及地,由奴隸之家贖出你來的上主你們的天主,要你離棄上主你的天主命你當行的道路:如此你由你中間剷除了邪惡。

7 "If your own full brother, or your son or daughter, or your beloved wife, or your intimate friend, entices you secretly to serve other gods, whom you and your fathers have not known,
8 gods of any other nations, near at hand or far away, from one end of the earth to the other:
9 do not yield to him or listen to him, nor look with pity upon him, to spare or shield him,
10 but kill him. Your hand shall be the first raised to slay him; the rest of the people shall join in with you.
11 You shall stone him to death, because he sought to lead you astray from the LORD, your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, that place of slavery.
12 And all Israel, hearing of it, shall fear and never again do such evil as this in your midst.
13:7 如果你的兄弟,你父親或母親的兒子,或你的兒女,或你的愛妻,或你視如性命的朋友,暗中引誘你說:「讓我們去事奉其他的神罷!」而那神是你和你的祖先素不相識的,13:8 是你四周,離你或近或遠,由地極這邊到地極那邊的各民族所敬拜的神;13:9 你不可對他表示同意,不可聽從他,也不可憐視他,顧惜他,袒護他;13:10 務要將他殺死,並且你應先動手,然後全體人民動手打死他。13:11 你應用石頭砸死他,因為他圖謀使你離棄領你出埃及地,出奴隸之家的上主你的天主。13:12 這樣全以色列人聽了必然害怕,在你中間不致做出這樣邪惡的事。

13 "If, in any of the cities which the LORD, your God, gives you to dwell in, you hear it said
14 that certain scoundrels have sprung up among you and have led astray the inhabitants of their city to serve other gods whom you have not known,
15 you must inquire carefully into the matter and investigate it thoroughly. If you find that it is true and an established fact that this abomination has been committed in your midst,
16 you shall put the inhabitants of that city to the sword, dooming the city and all life that is in it, even its cattle, to the sword.
17 Having heaped up all its spoils in the middle of its square, you shall burn the city with all its spoils as a whole burnt offering to the LORD, your God. Let it be a heap of ruins forever, never to be rebuilt.
18 You shall not retain anything that is doomed, that the blazing wrath of the LORD may die down and he may show you mercy and in his mercy for you may multiply you as he promised your fathers on oath;
19 because you have heeded the voice of the LORD, your God, keeping all his commandments which I enjoin on you today, doing what is right in his sight.
13:13 如果你聽說,在上主你的天主賜給你居住的一座城內,13:14 由你中間出來了一些壞人,勾引本城的居民說:「讓我們去事奉其他的神罷!」而那神是你們素不相識的;13:15 你就該調查、探尋、仔細訪問;如果真有其事,在你中間真發生了這樣可惡的事,13:16 你該用利劍殺盡這城的居民,完全破壞此城和城中所有的一切,連城中的牲畜也用劍殺盡,13:17 並把由城中掠奪的一切財物堆積在廣場上,將城和所掠奪的一切財物放火焚燒,全獻給上主你的天主,使那城永遠成為廢墟,再不得重建。13:18 凡應毀滅之物,一件也不可留在你手中,好使上主撤回他的盛怒,對你施恩,憐恤你,照他對你祖先所誓許的,使你繁昌,13:19 只要你聽從上主你的天主的話,遵守我今天所吩咐你的一切誡命,實行上主你的天主眼中視為正直的事。

Chapter 16 第十六章

18 "You shall appoint judges and officials throughout your tribes to administer true justice for the people in all the communities which the LORD, your God, is giving you.
19 You shall not distort justice; you must be impartial. You shall not take a bribe; for a bribe blinds the eyes even of the wise and twists the words even of the just.
20 Justice and justice alone shall be your aim, that you may have life and may possess the land which the LORD, your God, is giving you.
16:18 在上主你的天主賜給你的各城鎮內,要為各支派設立判官和書記,他們應按照公道審判人民,16:19 不可違犯公平,不可徇情顧面,不可接受賄賂,因為賄賂令智慧人的眼目失明;16:20 只應追求公道與正義,好叫你能生存,佔有上主你的天主賜給你的土地。

21 "You shall not plant a sacred pole of any kind of wood beside the altar of the LORD, your God, which you will build;
22 nor shall you erect a sacred pillar, such as the LORD, your God, detests.
16:21 在你為上主你的天主所建的祭壇旁,不許豎立任何木頭的神柱;16:22 也不可立置上主你的天主所憎惡的石碣。

Chapter 17 第十七章

2 "If there is found among you, in any one of the communities which the LORD, your God, gives you, a man or a woman who does evil in the sight of the LORD, your God, and transgresses his covenant,
3 by serving other gods, or by worshiping the sun or the moon or any of the host of the sky, against my command;
4 and if, on being informed of it, you find by careful investigation that it is true and an established fact that this abomination has been committed in Israel:
5 you shall bring the man (or woman) who has done the evil deed out to your city gates and stone him to death.
6 The testimony of two or three witnesses is required for putting a person to death; no one shall be put to death on the testimony of only one witness.
7 At the execution, the witnesses are to be the first to raise their hands against him; afterward all the people are to join in. Thus shall you purge the evil from your midst.
17:2 在你中間,即在上主你的天主賜給你的一座城內,若發現一個男人或女人,做了上主你的天主眼中視為惡的事,違犯了他的盟約,17:3 去事奉敬拜其他的神,或太陽,或月亮,或任何天象,反對我所吩咐的事;17:4 如果有人告訴了你,你一聽說,就應詳細調查。如果實有其事,真在以色列中做了這種可惡的事,17:5 就將那做這種惡事的男人或女人,帶到城門外,用石頭砸死他們。17:6 根據兩個或三個見證的口供,即可將這該死的人處以死刑;根據一個見證的口供,卻不可處以死刑。17:7 見證人應先下手,然後眾人纔下手將他處死:如此由你中間剷除了這邪惡。

8 "If in your own community there is a case at issue which proves too complicated for you to decide, in a matter of bloodshed or of civil rights or of personal injury, you shall then go up to the place which the LORD, your God, chooses,
9 to the levitical priests or to the judge who is in office at that time. They shall study the case and then hand down to you their decision.
10 According to this decision that they give you in the place which the LORD chooses, you shall act, being careful to do exactly as they direct.
11 You shall carry out the directions they give you and the verdict they pronounce for you, without turning aside to the right or to the left from the decision they hand down to you.
12 Any man who has the insolence to refuse to listen to the priest who officiates there in the ministry of the LORD, your God, or to the judge, shall die. Thus shall you purge the evil from your midst.
13 And all the people, on hearing of it, shall fear, and never again be so insolent.
17:8 若在你城鎮內發生了訴訟案件:或是殺人,或是爭訟,或是毆傷,而又是你難以處決的案件,你應起來上到上主你的天主所選的地方,17:9 去見肋未司祭和那在職的判官,詢問他們,他們要指教你怎樣判斷這案件。17:10 你應依照他們在上主所選的地方,有關那案件指教你的話去執行;凡他們教訓你的,應完全遵行。17:11 應全依照他們給你的指導,告訴你的判斷去執行;對他們告訴你的定案,不可偏左偏右。17:12 若有人擅自行事,不聽從那侍立於上主你的天主前供職的司祭,或不聽從判官,應把這人處死。如此你由以色列中剷除了這邪惡;17:13 民眾聽見了,必都害怕,再不敢擅自行事。

14 "When you have come into the land which the LORD, your God, is giving you, and have occupied it and settled in it, should you then decide to have a king over you like all the surrounding nations,
15 you shall set that man over you as your king whom the LORD, your God, chooses. He whom you set over you as king must be your kinsman; a foreigner, who is no kin of yours, you may not set over you.
16 But he shall not have a great number of horses; nor shall he make his people go back again to Egypt to acquire them, against the LORD'S warning that you must never go back that way again.
17 Neither shall he have a great number of wives, lest his heart be estranged, nor shall he accumulate a vast amount of silver and gold.
18 When he is enthroned in his kingdom, he shall have a copy of this law made from the scroll that is in the custody of the levitical priests.
19 He shall keep it with him and read it all the days of his life that he may learn to fear the LORD, his God, and to heed and fulfill all the words of this law and these statutes.
20 Let him not become estranged from his countrymen through pride, nor turn aside to the right or to the left from these commandments. Then he and his descendants will enjoy a long reign in Israel.
17:14 當你進入上主你的天主賜給你的土地,佔據了那地,安住在那裡以後,你如說:「我願照我四周的各民族,設立一位君王統治我」,17:15 你應將上主你的天主所揀選的人,立為你的君王。應由你兄弟中立一人,作你的君王,不可讓不屬你兄弟的外方人統治你。17:16 但是,不可許他養許多馬,免得他叫人民回到埃及去買馬,因為上主曾對你們說過:「你們不可再回到那條路上去;」17:17 也不可許他有許多妻妾,免得他的心迷於邪途;也不可許他過於積蓄金銀。17:18 幾時他登上了王位,依照肋未司祭處所存的法律書,給他抄寫一本,17:19 叫他帶在身邊,一生天天閱讀,好使他學習敬畏上主他的天主,謹守遵行這法律上的一切話和這些規則。17:20 如此他可避免對自己的同胞心高氣傲,偏離這些誡命,好使他和他的子孫在以色列中間久居王位。

Chapter 18 第十八章

9 "When you come into the land which the LORD, your God, is giving you, you shall not learn to imitate the abominations of the peoples there.
10 Let there not be found among you anyone who immolates his son or daughter in the fire, nor a fortune-teller, soothsayer, charmer, diviner,
11 or caster of spells, nor one who consults ghosts and spirits or seeks oracles from the dead.
12 Anyone who does such things is an abomination to the LORD, and because of such abominations the LORD, your God, is driving these nations out of your way.
13 You, however, must be altogether sincere toward the LORD, your God.
18:9 幾時你進入了上主你的天主賜給你的土地,不要仿傚那些異民做可憎惡的事。18:10 在你中間,不可容許人使自己的兒子或女兒經過火,也不可容許人占卜、算卦、行妖術或魔術;18:11 或念咒、問鬼、算命和求問死者;18:12 因為凡做這些事的人,都是上主所憎惡的;其實就是為了這些可憎惡的事,上主你的天主纔把他們由你面前趕走。18:13 你應一心一意屬於上主你的天主。

Chapter 23 第廿三章

10 "When you are in camp during an expedition against your enemies, you shall keep yourselves from everything offensive.
11 If one of you becomes unclean because of a nocturnal emission, he shall go outside the camp, and not return until,
12 toward evening, he has bathed in water; then, when the sun has set, he may come back into the camp.
13 Outside the camp you shall have a place set aside to be used as a latrine.
14 You shall also keep a trowel in your equipment and with it, when you go outside to ease nature, you shall first dig a hole and afterward cover up your excrement.
15 Since the LORD, your God, journeys along within your camp to defend you and to put your enemies at your mercy, your camp must be holy; otherwise, if he sees anything indecent in your midst, he will leave your company.
23:10 幾時你出征紮營,攻打你的仇敵,應避免一切惡事。23:11 你中間如有人夜間夢遺,即成為不潔,應走出營外,不可進入營內;23:12 傍晚時,應用水洗澡,日落時,才能進營。23:13 在營外應有廁所,你應去那裡便溺。23:14 在你的武器中;應有一把鏟;當你在外便溺時,用它來掘坑,然後用以剷土掩蓋糞便。23:15 因為上主你的天主在你營中往來,為救護你,將你的仇人交給你,所以你的營地應當聖潔,免得他在你那裡見到討厭的事,而離棄你。


Thing I Undergone 我遇到的事 - Beginning Of 2013

Word Of God & Eucharistic Adoration At Divine Mercy Time

No Need To Store 10 Days Foods & Clothes For Cold Weather? Not Teaching Of Lord Jesus Christ?
Follow Word Of God Right?

- Someone in Diocesan Pastoral Centre For the Disabled told me the message about 3 days no sunshine and store 10 days foods & clothes for cold weather
- I ever told a male street sleeper this message while walked across him (forgot if clarify that seemed not right later)
- One Monday afternoon, someones went Diocesan Pastoral Centre For the Disabled to tell us some messages about the second coming of Lord Jesus Christ (I later think that was not message from Lord Jesus Christ), said again (as I recall) 3 days no sunshine and store 10 days foods & clothes for cold weather, and children age lower than what all go to Heaven, they said they copy the Chinese prayer book to share with us later, and I jot down the website of the message of the second coming they said
- I thought about those message, and later thought that not same as Word Of God, storage, selfish, fear death, only richer a bit can do that, and only smaller group of people know that message (I homeless at that time)
- On Monday, they came to Diocesan Pastoral Centre For The Disabled in afternoon.  And we group to pray Divine Mercy and Rosary from 3pm to 4pm, afterward, they left the Eucharistic adoration room to pray something, I haven’t joined.  I stayed inside that room, prayed 2 Chaplet Of Divine Mercy, and did some other prayers and reading,
Then at the time from 5pm to 6pm, I heard a male voice inside Eucharistic adoration room.  Very clear said only one sentence: give the bird some Horlicks, a bird outside the centre prayed with me said that then he/she (I think) prayed for Horlicks.
Afterwards, a Catholic gave me the prayer book of the message I don’t trust, I haven’t prayed that but haven’t given back her.
I then left that room to eat something, and came back to pray 33 days and rosary, but felt Lord Jesus Christ not willing to hear my prayer, and I left the prayer centre at 9pm.
And later saw with a male worker probably much water flowed from up to low then across a Catholic sister's center with yellow Cross (near Diocesan Pastoral Centre For the Disabled) at night after 9pm.
I then walked back Catholic school after shower, gave the birds some Horlicks outside Catholic school and stayed inside Catholic school that night

I heard voice of Lord Jesus Christ?

聖經 Sacred Scripture (信仰寶庫 the depositum fidei)


聖經 (天主教思高聖經)

若望默示錄 Revelation

Chapter 14

12聖徒的恆心,就是在遵守天主的誡命,堅持對耶穌的信德。 12This is the time for patient endurance among the holy ones, for those who keep the commandments of God and faith in Jesus.
13以後,我聽見有聲音從天上說:「你寫下:『從今而後,凡在主內死去的,是有福的!』的確,聖神說,讓他們勞苦之後安息罷,因為他們的功行常隨著他們。」 13I heard someone from heaven say, "Write this: Happy from now are the dead who have died in the Lord. The Spirit says: Let them rest from their labors; their good deeds go with them."

瑪竇福音 Matthew

Chapter 6

24「沒有人能事奉兩個主人:他或是要恨這一個而愛那一個,或是依附這一個而輕忽那一個。你們不能事奉天主而又事奉錢財。 24No one can serve two masters; for he will either hate one and love the other, or he will be loyal to the first and look down on the second. You cannot at the same time serve God and money.

25為此,我告訴你們:不要為你們的生命憂慮吃什麼,或喝什麼;也不要為你們的身體憂慮穿什麼。難道生命不是貴於食物,身體不是貴於衣服嗎? 25This is why I tell you not to be worried about food and drink for yourself, or about clothes for your body. Is not life more important than food and is not the body more important than clothes?
26你們仰觀天空的飛鳥,牠們不播種,也不收穫,也不在糧倉裡屯積,你們的天父還是養活牠們;你們不比牠們更貴重嗎? 26Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow, they do not harvest and do not store food in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than birds?
27你們中誰能運用思慮,使自己的壽數增加一肘呢? 27Can any of you add a day to your life by worrying about it?
28關於衣服,你們又憂慮什麼?你們觀察一下田間的百合花怎樣生長:它們既不勞作,也不紡織; 28Why are you so worried about your clothes? Look at the flowers in the fields how they grow. They do not toil or spin.
29可是我告訴你們:連撒羅滿在他極盛的榮華時代所披戴的,也不如這些花中的一朵。 29But I tell you that not even Solomon in all his wealth was clothed like one of these.
30田地裡的野草今天還在,明天就投在爐中,天主尚且這樣裝飾,信德薄弱的人哪,何況你們呢? 30If God so clothes the grass in the field which blooms today and is to be burned tomorrow in an oven, how much more will he clothe you? What little faith you have!
31所以,你們不要憂慮說:我們吃什麼,喝什麼,穿什麼? 31Do not worry and say: What are we going to eat? What are we going to drink? Or: what shall we wear?
32因為這一切都是外邦人所尋求的;你們的天父原曉得你們需要這一切。 32The pagans busy themselves with such things; but your heavenly Father knows that you need them all.
33你們先該尋求天主的國和它的義德,這一切自會加給你們。 33Set your heart first on the kingdom and justice of God and all these things will also be given to you.
34所以你們不要為明天憂慮,因為明天有明天的憂慮!一天的苦足夠一天受的了。」 34Do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.


Thing I Undergone 我遇到的事 - 20 Sep 2013

Haven’t Slept Whole Night & Vita Consacrata (Chastity)
整夜沒睡與獻身生活 (貞潔)

I whole night did something, haven’t slept, morning went Church for Mass and Eucharistic Adoration (prayer)
我整夜作事,沒有睡,早上到聖堂參與感恩祭和朝拜聖體 (祈禱)

That day, inside Ss Peter And Paul Church, in front of the Body of Christ, I first time promised for Vita Consacrata (Chastity)
那天,在聖伯多祿聖保祿堂內,在耶穌聖體前,我首次許諾渡奉獻生活 (貞潔)





Mary, image of the Church, the Bride without spot or wrinkle, which by imitating you "preserves with virginal purity an integral faith, a firm hope and a sincere charity",sustain consecrated persons on their journey towards the sole and eternal Blessedness.

To you, Virgin of the Visitation, do we entrust them, that they may go forth to meet human needs, to bring help, but above all to bring Jesus. Teach them to proclaim the mighty things which the Lord accomplishes in the world, that all peoples may extol the greatness of his name. Support them in their work for the poor, the hungry, those without hope, the little ones and all who seek your Son with a sincere heart.……

Given in Rome, at Saint Peter's, on 25 March, the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord, in the year 1996, the eighteenth of my Pontificate.

聖母,教會的典型,毫無瑕疵與皺紋的新娘;教會效法妳,「忠貞地保持完整的信仰、堅固的希望與誠摯的愛情。」 (註二六三) 請支持獻身者走完唯一的、永恆的幸福之旅。



聖經 Sacred Scripture (信仰寶庫 the depositum fidei)


聖經 (天主教思高聖經)

弟茂德前書 1 Timothy

Chapter 6

2你要拿這些事教訓人,勸勉人。 2Teach and stress these things.
3若有人講異端道理,不順從我們的主耶穌基督的健全道理,與那合乎虔敬的教訓, 3Whoever teaches in some other way, not following the sound teaching of our Lord Christ Jesus and true religious instruction,
4他必是妄自尊大,一無所知,患有辯論和舌戰之癖的人;由此而生出嫉妒、爭吵、謾罵、惡意的猜疑, 4is conceited and understands nothing. This one is crazy about controversies and discussions which result in envy, insults,
5以及心思敗壞和喪失真理者的口角;他們以為虔敬是獲利之源。 5blows and constant arguments between people of depraved minds and far from the truth. For them, religion is merely for financial gain.
6的確,虔敬是一個獲利的富源,但應有知足的心, 6In reality, religion is a treasure if we are content with what we have.
7因為我們沒有帶什麼到世界上,同樣也不能帶走什麼, 7We brought nothing into the world and we will leave it with nothing.
8只要我們有吃有穿,就當知足。 8Let us then be content with having food and clothing.
9至於那些想望致富的人,卻陷於誘惑,墮入羅網和許多背理有害的慾望中,這慾望叫人沉溺於敗壞和滅亡中, 9Those who strive to be rich fall into temptations and traps. A lot of foolish and harmful ambitions plunge them into ruin and destruction.
10因為貪愛錢財乃萬惡的根源;有些人曾因貪求錢財而離棄了信德,使自己受了許多剌心的痛苦。 10Indeed, the love of money is the root of every evil. Because of this greed, some have wandered away from the faith, bringing on themselves afflictions of every kind.
11至於你,天主的人哪!你要躲避這些事;但要追求正義、虔敬、信德、愛德、堅忍和良善, 11But you, man of God, shun all this. Strive to be holy and godly. Live in faith and love, with endurance and gentleness.
12要奮力打這場有關信仰的好仗,要爭取永生:你正是為此而蒙召,並為此在許多證人前宣示了你那美好的誓言。 12Fight the good fight of faith and win everlasting life to which you were called when you made the good profession of faith in the presence of so many witnesses.

路加福音 Luke

Chapter 8

1以後,耶穌走遍各城各村講道,宣傳天主國的喜訊,同他在一起的有那十二門徒, 1Jesus walked through towns and countryside, preaching and giving the good news of the kingdom of God. The Twelve followed him,
2還有幾個曾附過惡魔或患病而得治好的婦女,有號稱瑪達肋納的瑪利亞,從她身上趕出了七個魔鬼; 2and also some women who had been healed of evil spirits and diseases: Mary called Magdalene, who had been freed of seven demons;
3還有約安納即黑落德的家宰雇撒的妻子,又有蘇撒納;還有別的許多婦女,她們都用自己的財產資助他們。 3Joanna, wife of Chuza, Herod's steward; Suzanna and others who provided for them out of their own funds.

聖經 Sacred Scripture (信仰寶庫 the depositum fidei) 服從天主 Obedience to God


[猜測 Guess] 若望默示錄 Revelation: 兩位證人 Two Witnesses 聖伯多祿, 聖保祿 St Peter & St Paul? 11章Chapter 救主慈悲 Divine Mercy? 12章Chapter 聖母 Blessed Virgin Mary?


Divine Mercy 救主慈悲 (Sign For End Times 末日來臨的徵兆) 848, 1146


救主慈悲 Divine Mercy (第二次世界大戰前顯現予聖傅天娜修女 Appeared Before Second World War To Sister Faustina)


Divine Mercy Image (Promise) 救主慈悲畫像: 得救的恩寵、在基督徒成聖的道路上進展神速、善終的恩寵、永不會喪亡、必得勝他在世上的仇敵


Divine Mercy 救主慈悲: Sister Faustina Diary 聖傅天娜修女日記 [1728]


Divine Mercy 救主慈悲: Sister Faustina Diary 聖傅天娜修女日記 [568]


Divine Mercy 救主慈悲: Sister Faustina Diary 聖傅天娜修女日記 (1726-1727)


Divine Mercy 救主慈悲: Sister Faustina Diary 聖傅天娜修女日記 [741] Vision of Hell 地獄


OUR LADY OF FATIMA 花地瑪聖母: 3 Secrets 秘密: Hell 地獄, Second World War 兩次大戰, Bishop dressed in White 穿著白衣的主教


The Fifteen Promises of Our Lady to Those Who Recite the Rosary 熱愛玫瑰經十五殊恩


暴力地對待女性私隱 Violence To Female Privacy = 沒法實行救主慈悲敬禮? Reject For Entreating Divine Mercy? 沒有聖母特恩? No Special Promise Of Blessed Virgin Mary?


暴力對待我家中包括思想的私隱 Violence To Treat My Home Include Thought Privacy = 意圖強姦和精神虐待? Intent To Rape And Psychological Abuse?


2014年5月21日 星期三

聖經 Sacred Scripture (信仰寶庫 the depositum fidei) 服從天主 Obedience to God

服從天主 Obedience to God

聖經 Sacred Scripture (信仰寶庫 the depositum fidei)


聖經 (天主教思高聖經)

馬爾谷福音 Mark

Chapter 9

7當時,有一團雲彩遮蔽了他們,從雲中有聲音說:「這是我的愛子,你們要聽從他!」 7But a cloud formed, covering them in a shadow, and from the cloud came this word, "This is my Son, the Beloved; listen to him."

Chapter 3

33耶穌回答他們說:「誰是我的母親和我的兄弟?」 33He replied, "Who are my mother and my brothers?"
34遂環視他周圍坐著的人說:「看,我的母親和我的兄弟! 34And looking around at those who sat there he said, "Here are my mother and my brothers.
35因為誰奉行天主的旨意,他就是我的兄弟、姊妹和母親。」 35Whoever does the will of God is brother and sister and mother to me."

Chapter 4

24耶穌又向他們說:「要留心你們所聽的:你們用什麼尺度量給人,也要用什麼尺度量給你們,且要多加給你們, 24And he also said to them, "Pay attention to what you hear. In the measure you give, so shall you receive and still more will be given to you.
25因為凡有的,還要給他;凡沒有的,連他所有的,也要從他奪去。」 25For the one who produces something, more will be given, and from him who does not produce anything, even what he has will be taken away from him."

38耶穌卻在船尾依枕而睡。他們叫醒他,給他說:「師傅!我們要喪亡了,你不管嗎?」 38And Jesus was in the stern, asleep on the cushion. They woke him up and said, "Master, don't you care if we sink?"
39耶穌醒來,叱責了風,並向海說:「不要作聲,平定了罷!」風就停止了,遂大為平靜。 39As Jesus awoke, he rebuked the wind and ordered the sea, "Quiet now! Be still!" The wind dropped and there was a great calm.
40耶穌對他們說:「為什麼你們這樣膽怯?你們怎麼還沒有信德呢?」 40Then Jesus said to them, "Why are you so frightened? Do you still have no faith?"

Chapter 5

34耶穌便向她說:「女兒,你的信德救了你,平安去罷!你的疾病必得痊癒!」 34Then Jesus said to her, "Daughter, your faith has saved you; go in peace and be free of this illness."

Chapter 7

20耶穌又說:「凡從人裡面出來的,那纔使人污穢, 20And he went on, "What comes out of a person is what defiles,
21因為從裡面,從人心裡出來的是些惡念、邪淫、盜竊、兇殺、 21for evil designs come out of the heart: theft, murder,
22姦淫、貪吝、毒辣、詭詐、放蕩、嫉妒、毀謗、驕傲、愚妄: 22adultery, jealousy, greed, maliciousness, deceit, indecency, slander, pride and folly.
23這一切惡事,都是從內裡出來的,並且使人污穢。」 23All these evil things come from within and make a person unclean."

Chapter 8

2「我很憐憫這批群眾,因為他們同我在一起已經三天,也沒有什麼可吃的了。 2"I feel sorry for these people because they have been with me for three days and now have nothing to eat.
3我若遣散他們空著肚子各自回家,他們必要在路上暈倒;況且他們中還有些是從遠處來的。」 3If I send them to their homes hungry, they will faint on the way; some of them have come a long way."

34他遂召集群眾和門徒來,對他們說:「誰若願意跟隨我,該棄絕自己,背著自己的十字架,跟隨我, 34Then Jesus called the people and his disciples and said, "If you want to follow me, deny yourself, take up your cross and follow me.
35因為誰若願意救自己的性命,必要喪失性命;但誰若為我和福音的原故,喪失自己的性命,必要救得性命。 35For if you choose to save your life, you will lose it; and if you lose your life for my sake and for the sake of the Gospel, you will save it.
36人縱然賺得了全世界而賠上自己的靈魂,為他有什麼益處? 36What good is it to gain the whole world but destroy yourself?
37人還能拿什麼作為自己靈魂的代價? 37There is nothing you can give to recover your life.
38誰若在這淫亂和罪惡的世代中,以我和我的話為恥,將來人子在他父的光榮中,同諸聖天使降來時,也要以他為恥。」 38I tell you: If anyone is ashamed of me and of my words among this adulterous and sinful people, the Son of Man will also be ashamed of him when he comes in the Glory of his Father with the holy angels."

Chapter 10

14耶穌見了,就生了氣,對他們說:「讓小孩子到我跟前來,不要阻止他們!因為天主的國正屬於這樣的人。 14When Jesus noticed it, he was very angry and said, "Let the children come to me and don't stop them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.
15我實在告訴你們:誰若不像小孩子一樣接受天主的國,決不能進去。」 15Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it."
16耶穌遂抱起他們來,給他們覆手,祝福了他們。 16Then he took the children in his arms and laying his hands on them, blessed them.

17正在耶穌出來行路時,跑來了一個人,跪在他面前,問他說:「善師,為承受永生,我該作什麼?」 17Just as Jesus was setting out on his journey again, a man ran up, knelt before him and asked, "Good Master, what must I do to have eternal life?"
18耶穌對他說:「你為什麼稱我善?除了天主一個外,沒有誰是善的。 18Jesus answered, "Why do you call me good? No one is good but God alone.
19誡命你都知道:不可殺人,不可奸淫,不可偷盜,不可做假見證,不可欺詐,應孝敬你的父母。」 19You know the commandments: Do not kill, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not bear false witness, do not cheat, honor your father and mother."
20他回答耶穌說:「師傅!這一切我從小就都遵守了。」 20The man replied, "I have obeyed all these commandments since my childhood."
21耶穌定睛看他,就喜愛他,對他說:「你還缺少一樣:你去,變賣你所有的一切,施捨給窮人,你必有寶藏在天上,然後來,背著十字架,跟隨我!」 21Then Jesus looked steadily at him and loved him and he said, "For you, one thing is lacking. Go, sell what you have and give the money to the poor, and you will have riches in heaven. Then come and follow me."
22因了這話,那人就面帶愁容,憂鬱地走了,因為他有許多產業。 22On hearing these words, his face fell and he went away sorrowful for he was a man of great wealth.
23耶穌周圍一看,對自己的門徒說:「那些有錢財的人,進天主的國多麼難啊!」 23Jesus looked around and said to his disciples, "How hard it is for those who have riches to enter the kingdom of God!"
24門徒就都驚奇他這句話。耶穌又對他們說:「孩子們!仗恃錢財的人,進天主的國是多麼難啊! 24The disciples were shocked at these words, but Jesus insisted, "Children, how hard it is to enter the kingdom of God!
25駱駝穿過針孔,比富有的人進天主的國還容易。」 25It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for one who is rich to enter the kingdom of God."
26他們就更加驚奇,彼此說:「這樣,誰還能得救?」 26They were more astonished than ever and wondered, "Who, then, can be saved?"
27耶穌注視他們說:「在人不可能,在天主卻不然,因為在天主,一切都是可能的。」 27Jesus looked steadily at them and said, "For humans it is impossible, but not for God; all things are possible with God."
28伯多祿開口對他說:「看,我們捨棄了一切,而跟隨了你。」 28Peter spoke up and said, "We have given up everything to follow you."
29耶穌回答說:「我實在告訴你們:人為了我,為了福音,而捨棄了房屋、或兄弟、或姊妹、或母親、或父親、或兒女、或田地, 29Jesus answered, "Truly, there is no one who has left house or brothers or sisters, or father or mother, or children, or lands for my sake and for the Gospel,
30沒有不在今時就得百倍的房屋、兄弟、姊妹、母親、兒女、田地──連迫害也在內,並在來世獲得永生的。 30who will not receive his reward. I say to you: even in the midst of persecution he will receive a hundred times as many houses, brothers, sisters, mothers, children, and lands in the present time and in the world to come eternal life.
31但有許多在先的,要成為在後的;在後的,要成為在先的。」 31Do pay attention: Many who now are first will be last, and the last, first."

Chapter 12

29耶穌回答說:「第一條是:『以色列!你要聽!上主我們的天主是唯一的天主。 29Jesus answered, "The first is: Hear, Israel! The Lord, our God, is One Lord;
30你應當全心、全靈、全意、全力愛上主,你的天主。』 30and you shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength.
31第二條是:『你應當愛近人如你自己。』再沒有別的誡命比這兩條更大的了。」 31And after this comes another one: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these two."
32那經師對耶穌說:「不錯,師傅說的實在對:他是唯一的,除他以外,再沒有別的: 32The teacher of the Law said to him, "Well-spoken, Master; you are right when you say that he is one and there is no other.
33應以全心、全意、全力愛他,並愛近人如自己,遠超過一切全燔祭和犧牲。」 33To love him with all our heart, with all our understanding and with all our strength, and to love our neighbor as ourselves is more important than any burnt offering or sacrifice."
34耶穌見他回答的明智,便對他說:「你離天主的國不遠了。」從此,沒有人敢再問他。 34Jesus approved this answer and said, "You are not far from the kingdom of God." But after that, no one dared to ask him any more questions.

Chapter 16

15然後耶穌對他們說:「你們往普天下去,向一切受造物宣傳福音, 15Then he told them, "Go out to the whole world and proclaim the Good News to all creation.
16信而受洗的必要得救;但不信的必被判罪。 16The one who believes and is baptized will be saved; the one who refuses to believe will be condemned.
17信的人必有這些奇蹟隨著他們:因我的名驅遂魔鬼,說新語言, 17Signs like these will accompany those who have believed: in my Name they will cast out demons and speak new languages;
18手拿毒蛇,甚或喝了什麼致死的毒物,也決不受害;按手在病人身上,可使人痊愈。」 18they will pick up snakes and, if they drink anything poisonous, they will be unharmed. They will lay their hands on the sick and they will be healed."
19主耶穌給他們說了這些話以後,就被接升天,坐在天主的右邊。 19So then, after speaking to them, the Lord Jesus was taken up into heaven and took his place at the right hand of God.
20他們出去,到處宣講,主與他們合作,並以奇蹟相隨,證實所傳的道理。 20The Eleven went forth and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them and confirmed the message by the signs which accompanied them.

若望默示錄 Revelation

Chapter 14

12聖徒的恆心,就是在遵守天主的誡命,堅持對耶穌的信德。 12This is the time for patient endurance among the holy ones, for those who keep the commandments of God and faith in Jesus.
13以後,我聽見有聲音從天上說:「你寫下:『從今而後,凡在主內死去的,是有福的!』的確,聖神說,讓他們勞苦之後安息罷,因為他們的功行常隨著他們。」 13I heard someone from heaven say, "Write this: Happy from now are the dead who have died in the Lord. The Spirit says: Let them rest from their labors; their good deeds go with them."

Chapter 12

17那條龍便對那女人大發忿怒,遂去與她其餘的後裔,即那些遵行天主的誡命,且為耶穌作證的人交戰; 17Then the dragon was furious with the woman and went off to wage war on the rest of her children, those who keep God's commandments and bear witness to Jesus.

宗徒大事錄 Acts

Chapter 5

3伯多祿說道:「阿納尼雅!為甚麼撒殫充滿了你的心,使你欺騙聖神,扣留了田地的價錢呢? 3Then Peter said to him, "Ananias, how is it that you let Satan fill your heart and why do you intend to deceive the Holy Spirit by keeping some of the proceeds of your land for yourself?
4田地留下不賣,不是還是你的嗎?既賣了,價錢不是還屬於你權下嗎?為甚麼你心中打算了這事?你不是欺騙人,而是欺騙天主!」 4Who obliged you to sell it? And after it was sold, could you not have kept all the money? How could you think of such a thing? You have not deceived us but God."
5阿納尼雅一聽這話,就跌倒斷了氣。凡聽見的人,都十分害怕。 5Upon hearing these words, Ananias fell down and died. Great fear came upon all who heard of it;
6年輕人就起來,把他裡起,抬去埋葬了。 6the young men stood up, wrapped his body and carried it out for burial.
7大約隔了三個時辰,他的妻子進來了,還不知所發生的事。 7About three hours later Ananias's wife came but she was not aware of what had happened.
8伯多祿問她說:「你告訴我:你們賣田地的價錢就是這麼多嗎?」她說:「是,就是這麼多。」 8Peter challenged her, "Tell me whether you sold that piece of land for this price?" She said, "Yes, that was the price."
9伯多祿便說:「你們為甚麼共謀試探主的神呢﹖看,埋葬你丈夫者的腳已到門口,他們也要把你抬去。」 9Peter replied, "How could you two agree to put the Holy Spirit to the test? Those who buried your husband are at the door and they will carry you out as well."
10她立刻跌倒在他腳前,也斷了氣。年輕人進來,見她死了,就抬去埋葬在她丈夫旁邊。 10With that, she fell dead at his feet. The young men came in, found her dead and carried her out for burial beside her husband.
11全教會和一切聽見這些事的人,都十分害怕。 11And great fear came upon the whole church and upon all who heard of it.

29伯多祿和宗徒們回答說:「聽天主的命應勝過聽人的命。 29To this Peter and the apostles replied, "Better for us to obey God rather than any human authority!
30我們祖先的天主復活了你們下毒手懸在木架上的耶穌。 30The God of our ancestors raised Jesus whom you killed by hanging him on a wooden post.
31天主以右手舉揚了他,叫他做首領和救主,為賜給以色列人悔改和罪赦。 31God set him at his right hand as Leader and Savior, to grant repentance and forgiveness of sins to Israel.
32我們就是這些事的證人,並且天主給那些服從他的人所賞的聖神,也為此事作證。」 32We are witnesses to all these things, as well as the Holy Spirit whom God has given to those who obey him."

得撒洛尼後書 2 Thessalonians

Chapter 1

3弟兄們,我們常該為你們感謝天主,這真是相稱的,因為你們的信德大有進步,你們眾人之間彼此的愛德更為增進, 3Brothers and sisters, we should give thanks to God at all times for you. It is fitting to do so, for your faith is growing and your love for one another increasing.
4以致我們可在天主的各教會中,為你們誇口,因為你們在所受的一切迫害和磨難中,仍保持了堅忍和信德。 4We take pride in you among the churches of God because of your endurance and your faith in the midst of persecution and sufferings.
5這正是天主公義審判的明證,好使你們堪得天主的國,你們也正是為了這國纔受了苦難。 5In this the just judgment of God may be seen; for you must show yourselves worthy of the kingdom of God for which you are now suffering.
6既然天主是公義的,必要以苦難報復難為你們的人, 6Indeed, it is just that God repays with affliction those who persecute you,
7卻賞你們受難為的人,同我們一起安寧;主耶穌由天上偕同他大能的天使顯現時, 7but to you who suffer, he will grant rest with us when the Lord Jesus will be shown in his Glory, coming from heaven and surrounded by his court of angels.
8要在火焰中報復那些不認識天主,和不聽從我們的主耶穌福音的人。 8Then with flaming fire will be punished those who do not recognize God and do not obey the Gospel of Jesus, our Lord.
9這些人要受永遠喪亡之罰,遠離主的面,遠離他威能的光榮。 9They will be sent to eternal damnation far away from the face of the Lord and his mighty glory.
10當他在那一日降來的時候,要在他的聖徒身上受光榮,在一切信眾身上受讚美。你們也在其中,因為你們確信了我們的證言。 10On that day the Lord will be glorified in the midst of his saints, and reveal his wonders through those who believe in him, that is through you who have received our testimony.

Chapter 2

13主所愛的弟兄們!我們該當時常為你們感謝天主,因為天主從起初就揀選了你們,藉聖神的祝聖和信從真理而得到拯救。 13But we have to give thanks for you at all times, dear brothers and sisters in the Lord. For God chose you from the beginning to be saved through true faith and to be made holy by the Spirit.
14為此,他也藉著我們宣講的福音召叫了你們,為獲得我們的主耶穌基督的光榮。 14To this end he called you through the gospel we preach, for he willed you to share the glory of Christ Jesus our Lord.
15所以,弟兄們,你們要站立穩定,要堅持你們或由我們的言論,或由我們的書信所學得的傳授。 15Because of that, brothers and sisters, stand firm and hold to the traditions that we taught you by word or by letter.
16願我們的主耶穌基督,和那愛我們,並開恩將永遠的安慰和美好的希望,賜與我們的父天主, 16May Christ Jesus our Lord who has loved us, may God our Father, who in his mercy gives us everlasting comfort and true hope, strengthen you.
17鼓勵你們的心,並在各種善工善言上,堅固你們。 17May he encourage your hearts and make you steadfast in every good work and word.