2014年5月24日 星期六

聖經 Sacred Scripture (信仰寶庫 the depositum fidei) 伯多祿前書 1 Peter (萬事結局已臨近 The End Near)

聖經 Sacred Scripture (信仰寶庫 the depositum fidei)

伯多祿前書 1 Peter (萬事結局已臨近 The End Near)


聖經 (天主教思高聖經)

Chapter 4

違法的偶像崇拜 worship of idols

3過去的時候,你們實行外教人的慾望,生活在放蕩、情慾、酗酒、宴樂、狂飲和違法的偶像崇拜中,這已經夠了! 3You have given enough time, in the past, to living as the pagans do: a life of excess, evil passions, drunkenness, orgies and worship of idols.
4由於你們不再同他們狂奔於淫蕩的洪流中,他們便引以為怪,遂誹謗你們; 4They now find it strange that you are no longer swept along with them in this ruinous flood, and they misinterpret it.
5但他們要向那已準備審判生死者的主交賬。 5But they will be accountable to the one who is ready to judge the living and the dead.
6也正是為此,給死者宣講了這福音:他們雖然肉身方面如同人一樣受了懲罰,可是神魂方面卻同天主一起生活。 6The Gospel has been preached to many who are now dead. As humans they received a deadly sentence, but through the Spirit they shall live for God.

審判必從天主的家開始 judgment begins with God's household

7萬事的結局已臨近了,所以你們應該慎重,應該醒寤祈禱。 7The end of all things is near; live wisely and spend evening time praying.
8最重要的是:你們應該彼此熱切相愛,因為愛德遮蓋許多罪過; 8Above all, let your love for one another be sincere, for love covers a multitude of sins.
9要彼此款待,而不出怨言。 9Welcome one another into your houses without complaining.
10各人應依照自己所領受的神恩,彼此服事,善做天主各種恩寵的管理員。 10Serve one another with the gifts each of you received, thus becoming good managers of the varied graces of God.
11誰若講道,就該按天主的話講;誰若服事,就該本著天主所賜的德能服事,好叫天主在一切事上,因耶穌基督而受到光榮:願光榮和權能歸於他,至於無窮之世。阿們。 11If you speak, deliver the word of God; if you have a special ministry, let it be seen as God's power so that, in everything, God may be glorified in Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and power forever and ever. Amen.
12親愛的,你們不要因為在你們中,有試探你們的烈火而驚異,好像遭遇了一件新奇的事; 12My dear people, do not be surprised that you are being tested by fire. It is not an unusual occurrence.
13反而要喜歡,因為分受了基督的苦難,這樣好使你們在他光榮顯現的時候,也能歡喜踴躍。 13Instead, you should be glad to share in the sufferings of Christ because, on the day his Glory is revealed, you will also fully rejoice.
14如果你們為了基督的名字,受人辱罵,便是有福的,因為光榮的神,即天主的神,就安息在你們身上。 14You are fortunate if you are insulted because of the name of Christ, for the Spirit of glory rests on you.
15惟願你們中誰也不要因做兇手,或強盜,或壞人,或做煽亂的人而受苦。 15I suppose that none of you should suffer for being a murderer, a thief, a criminal or an informer;
16但若因為是基督徒而受苦,就不該以此為恥,反要為這名稱光榮天主, 16but if anyone suffers on account of being a Christian, do not consider it a disgrace; rather let this name bring glory to God.
17因為時候已經到了,審判必從天主的家開始;如果先從我們開始,那些不信從天主福音者的結局,又將怎樣呢? 17The time of judgment has come and it begins with God's household. If its beginning so affects us, what will be the end of those who refuse to believe in the Gospel?
18『如果義人還難以得救,那麼惡人和罪人,要有什麼結果呢?』 18If the just one is barely saved, what will happen to the sinner and unbeliever?
19故此,凡照天主旨意受苦的人,也要把自己的靈魂託付給忠信的造物主,專務行善。 19So, then, if you suffer according to God's will, entrust yourself to the faithful Creator and continue to do good.

13與你們一同被選的巴比倫教會問候你們;我兒馬爾谷也問候你們。 13Greetings from the community in Babylon, gathered by God, and from my son, Mark.


聖經 Sacred Scripture (信仰寶庫 the depositum fidei) 2 Peter 伯多祿後書 C2&3


聖經 Sacred Scripture (信仰寶庫 the depositum fidei) 服從天主 Obedience to God


聖經 Sacred Scripture (信仰寶庫 the depositum fidei) 遵守天主的誡命,堅持對耶穌的信德 Keep Commandments of God & Faith In Jesus


聖經 Sacred Scripture (信仰寶庫 the depositum fidei) 若望默示錄 Revelation (新耶路撒冷聖城與權力架構 New Jerusalem & Power Structure)


