2014年5月26日 星期一

聖經 Sacred Scripture (信仰寶庫 the depositum fidei) 若望福音 John (我對你殿宇所懷的熱忱,把我耗盡 Zeal for your House devours me as a fire)

聖經 Sacred Scripture (信仰寶庫 the depositum fidei)

若望福音 John

(我對你殿宇所懷的熱忱,把我耗盡 Zeal for your House devours me as a fire)


聖經 (天主教思高聖經)

若望福音 John

Chapter 2

13猶太人的逾越節近了,耶穌便上了耶路撒冷。 13As the Passover of the Jews was at hand, Jesus went up to Jerusalem.
14在殿院裡,他發見了賣牛、羊、鴿子的,和坐在錢莊上兌換銀錢的人, 14In the Temple court he found merchants selling oxen, sheep and doves, and money-changers seated at their tables.
15就用繩索做了一條鞭子,把眾人連羊帶牛,從殿院都趕出去,傾倒了換錢者的銀錢,推翻了他們的桌子; 15Making a whip of cords, he drove them all out of the Temple court, together with the oxen and sheep. He knocked over the tables of the money-changers, scattering the coins,
16給賣鴿子的人說:「把這些東西從這裡拿出去,不要使我父的殿宇成為商場。」 16and ordered the people selling doves, "Take all this away and stop turning my Father's house into a marketplace!"
17他的門徒就想起了經上記載的:『我對你殿宇所懷的熱忱,把我耗盡』的話。 17His disciples recalled the words of Scripture: Zeal for your House devours me as a fire.
18猶太人便追問他說:「你給我們顯什麼神跡,證明你有權柄作這些事?」 18The Jews then questioned Jesus, "Where are the miraculous signs which give you the right to do this?"
19耶穌回答他們說:「你們拆毀這座聖殿,三天之內,我要把它重建起來。」 19And Jesus said, "Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up."
20猶太人就說:「這座聖殿建築了四十六年,你在三天之內就會重建起它來嗎?」 20The Jews then replied, "The building of this temple has already taken forty-six years, and you will raise it up in three days?"
21但耶穌所提的聖所,是指他自己的身體。 21Actually, Jesus was referring to the temple of his body.
22所以,當他從死者中復活以後,他的門徒就想起了他曾說過這話,便相信了聖經和耶穌說過的話。 22Only when he had risen from the dead did his disciples remember these words; then they believed both the Scripture and the words Jesus had spoken.

