2014年5月16日 星期五

[聖人Saint] 聖女貞德 St.Joan Of Arc (曾被意圖強姦 Ever Be Intent To Rape)

聖女貞德 St.Joan Of Arc 
(曾被意圖強姦 Ever Be Intent To Rape)


According to the later descriptions of some of the tribunal members, she had previously been wearing male (i.e. military) clothing in prison because it gave her the ability to fasten her hosen and tunic together into one piece, which deterred rape by making it difficult to pull her hosen off.  A woman's dress offered no such protection. A few days after adopting a dress, she told a tribunal member that "a great English lord had entered her prison and tried to take her by force. [i.e. rape her]" She resumed male attire either as a defense against molestation or, in the testimony of Jean Massieu, because her dress had been taken by the guards and she was left with nothing else to wear.


幾天後,依據目擊者的說法,貞德在監獄中被一名英格蘭貴族試圖強姦未遂。她重新開始穿著男裝,要不是為了防止騷擾,或者就如同Jean Massieu作證所言的,因為她的裙子被偷走而沒有衣服可以蔽體了。

