2014年5月21日 星期三

Divine Mercy 救主慈悲: Sister Faustina Diary 聖傅天娜修女日記 (93) Vow of Obedience 服從聖願

Divine Mercy 救主慈悲: Sister Faustina Diary 聖傅天娜修女日記 

(93) Vow of Obedience 服從聖願

Divine Mercy 救主慈悲:
Sister Faustina Diary 聖傅天娜修女日記



Sister Faustina Diary (93)


93 +A Short Version of the Catechism of the Vows

The Vow of Obedience

The vow of obedience is superior to the first two. It is, to tell the truth, a holocaust, and it is more necessary because it forms and animates the monastic body.

Q. To what does the vow of obedience oblige us?

A. By the vow of obedience, the religious promises to God to be obedient to his legitimate superiors in everything that they will ordain in virtue of the rule. The vow of obedience makes the religious dependent on his superior in virtue of these rules for his whole life and in all his affairs. A religious commits a grave sin against the vow every time he disobeys an order given in virtue of obedience and of these rules.

The Virtue of Obedience

The virtue of obedience goes further than the vow; it embraces the rules, the regulations and even the counsels of the superiors.

Q. Is the virtue of obedience indispensable for a religious?

A. The virtue of obedience is so indispensable to a religious that, even if he were to perform good actions contrary to obedience, these would be evil and without merit.

Q. Can we sin gravely against the virtue of obedience?

A. We sin gravely when we scorn the authority or the order of the superior, or when spiritual or temporal harm to the community results from our disobedience.

Q. What faults endanger the vow?

A. To be prejudiced against the superior, or to harbor an antipathy for him - murmuring and criticism, tardiness and negligence.

The Degrees of Obedience

Prompt and complete fulfillment - the obedience of the will, when the will persuades the intellect to submit to the advice of the superior. To facilitate obedience, Saint Ignatius suggests, moreover, three means: always to see God in our superior, whoever he might be; to justify in itself the order or advice of the superior; to accept each order as an order from God, without examining it or reflecting on it. General means: humility. Nothing is difficult for the humble.





服从圣愿比前两愿更胜一筹。老实说, 它就是个赎罪的全燔祭,  它更为修会生活所必需,  因为它组成整个修会,  令修道院朝气蓬勃。

问:  服从圣愿要求的是什么?

答: 发了服从圣愿, 修院会士向天主许诺, 服从合法长上按照会规,  所任命的一切。 服从使修院会士, 终生因会规, 于自己的一切事务上,  都服从长上。长上若依服从圣愿和会规下令, 而修院会士不服从,  她就犯了违背服从圣愿的重罪。


服从的美德比服从圣愿更进一步;  它包括接受会规,  规则,  甚至长上的忠告。

问:  对于修院会士, 服从的美德是否必要?

答: 服从的美德对修院会士而言,  是绝对需要的,  即使她行善,  但却违背了服从圣愿,  也等于罪恶,  劳而无功。

问:  违背服从的美德会犯重罪吗?

答: 当我们藐视长上的权力和命令时, 或因不服从而使修会团体,  在宗教或世俗事务上受损害, 都犯了重罪。

问:  什么过失会损害服从圣愿?

答: 对长上有偏见, 或心中厌恶她——口出怨言, 诸多批评, 拖延耽误, 和疏忽失职。


当意志说服理智去服从长上的意见时,立即完全服从执行,这是意志的服从。为了使我们容易服从, 圣依纳爵建议三种方法: 无论长上是谁,  都要在她身上看到天主; 为长上的命令或意见作合理解释; 视每一个命令都是天主的旨令,不审查, 也不思索, 立即接受。 一般而言:谦卑。对于谦卑的人, 没有任何事情是困难的。

